Ian ,
I have only been in the carpet cleaning business for a few years , ( I have run other businesses before ) I have looked at some carpet cleaning businesses that are for sale but I would not buy one because the ones who work in the domestic market only don't really have a business to sell ( at the prices they want ) sure you can buy the equipment , website and client list , but that's all it is, a list of former users of the business , with a few possible ones who may use you again in the future.......so I have decided to use the money I have to market my own new CCing business, and not risk giving £40K - £50K to another carpet cleaner
My long term view is that I will make a good (ish) living out of CCing but in reality I will have nothing to sell when I retire , as all carpet cleaners are looking for new customers each week so where is the value in the business? maybe a bit in the name , the branding , but the real value is in the person selling the business , and they are the business !
I would be really interested to hear from people who paid near to the original asking price for a CCing business, that works in the domestic market, and how it has worked out for them.........
NB: I am talking about a man with a van / TM style of business here.