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  • Posts: 465
fumigation on eol clean
« on: January 19, 2008, 09:14:53 am »
Just realised there are a few people who post on this section who have experience of this type of thing


Any ideas appreciated



Re: fumigation on eol clean
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2008, 02:47:28 pm »
Chemspec do a product called ultra fresh that can be spray applicated. It is not listed as a pesticide because they did'nt want the cost of listing it. Does same job though and is about £3 for 100ml (dilutes 100-1). As far as I remember it does'nt have any permetherin either.

You need to be liberal with application and make sure you get into and under/behind everything. Clarify to custy that deals with existing problem and not necessarily cause. If they have lots of pets etc.