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mr D

  • Posts: 913
Re: do custies prefer traditional
« Reply #20 on: April 23, 2010, 09:52:15 am »
Blar blar blar. All been done 100 times before.

I love trad because....
I love WFP because...
wfp sucks because.....
trad sucks because....
your mums so fat she....
my gran is harder than your gran...


Re: do custies prefer traditional
« Reply #21 on: April 23, 2010, 10:04:08 am »
From reading the forum, these are my thoughts on the subject.
Most traditional window cleaners know how to clean a window properly. They understand the safe practice of using ladders. Once they adapt to WFP they understand how to use it quite quickly, and usually end up doing a good job.

WFP has made it easy for anybody to become a window cleaner, however if the wfp operator has never done traditional cleaning, with squeegees, scrims etc, I think they will help give the WFP a bad name amongst customers, because perhaps they are not good enough window cleaners?

Even though my business will use WFP wherever possible, all of my staff will be taught how to use traditional equipment as well, back in the old days I would teach staff thoroughly how to use ladders, squeegees etc, and believe it takes about six months to teach and train them properly. With WFP teaching traditional methods will take the trainee considerably longer?
Yep a good constuctive reply


Re: do custies prefer traditional
« Reply #22 on: April 23, 2010, 01:16:15 pm »
People in this country do not like change and thats a fact, you still have the old brigade who want steam trains brought back.

Supermarkets should be closed down and the old reliable corner shop who used to close on a wednesday afternoon should be the only shops allowed.

This country since the industrial revolution has always objected to change.

In 50 years time, if there was to be a new method to clean windows, you would have people up in arms because they want it done the olf fasioned way (wfp).

Cleaning windows using a squeegie or a wfp has the same effect if they are used correctly, the window is left clean.

If you do not know how to use a squeeger or wfp then the end result is going to draw criticism from the customer, and the tool you are using is going to take most of the blame.

With wfp, the major drawback in customers eyes, is the windows are left wet after they have been cleaned, if the windows where left dry, then  most customers would be happy.

Mind you you would still have some old die-hards who still perfer their windows cleaned with a shammy let alone that new squeegie thingy!!!

I personally I don't care what a cleaner uses to clean windows, but I do object when a cleaner dies when there was no need.

paul rulton

Re: do custies prefer traditional
« Reply #23 on: April 23, 2010, 01:29:37 pm »
Blar blar blar. All been done 100 times before.

I love trad because....
I love WFP because...
wfp sucks because.....
trad sucks because....
your mums so fat she....
my gran is harder than your gran...
;D lol here here mr D  ;)

Murdie window cleaning

  • Posts: 654
Re: do custies prefer traditional
« Reply #24 on: April 23, 2010, 02:16:00 pm »
And the debate goes on and on, if the end result = clean windows then every ones a winner.

I've just started using wfp in the last couple of days and I've only had one customer express any concern, but I told her if she wasn't happy with the outcome to give me a phone and I'd go back and re-clean for free, no phone call yet.

As for it being easier, I'm not sure about that, I'm knackered now and my arms are ready to drop off.

Alun Whyte

Re: do custies prefer traditional
« Reply #25 on: April 23, 2010, 03:39:36 pm »
If a joiner came to your house to do a job you wouldnt say i want the wood cut with a particular type of saw or direct a plumber to use particular tools only. They would tell you to get lost. I use a combination of the 2 methods depending on what the job dictates not what the customer tells me they think i should use.

Im the professional and unless there is a H+S or valid reason why not one method or the other cannot be used then i choose my tools


Re: do custies prefer traditional
« Reply #26 on: April 23, 2010, 03:41:35 pm »
With wfp, the major drawback in customers eyes, is the windows are left wet after they have been cleaned, if the windows where left dry, then  most customers would be happy.

Having i been saying this!

wfp master

  • Posts: 2549
Re: do custies prefer traditional
« Reply #27 on: April 23, 2010, 04:37:52 pm »
From reading the forum, these are my thoughts on the subject.
Most traditional window cleaners know how to clean a window properly. They understand the safe practice of using ladders. Once they adapt to WFP they understand how to use it quite quickly, and usually end up doing a good job.

WFP has made it easy for anybody to become a window cleaner, however if the wfp operator has never done traditional cleaning, with squeegees, scrims etc, I think they will help give the WFP a bad name amongst customers, because perhaps they are not good enough window cleaners?

Even though my business will use WFP wherever possible, all of my staff will be taught how to use traditional equipment as well, back in the old days I would teach staff thoroughly how to use ladders, squeegees etc, and believe it takes about six months to teach and train them properly. With WFP teaching traditional methods will take the trainee considerably longer?
yes very true good post.

Paul Coleman

Re: do custies prefer traditional
« Reply #28 on: April 23, 2010, 05:33:13 pm »
Ladders are not illegal to use but if you work to to hse guidelines etc
you should explore all avaliable methods of working
and have 3 points of contact to the ladder ie 2 feet and 1 hand
this is difficult to achieve

That's right.  To comply with the law, if I need to take a pole onto a flat roof, I grip the rung in my teeth as the third point of contact.

Re: do custies prefer traditional
« Reply #29 on: April 23, 2010, 06:00:22 pm »
i use my extremely large thingy tied to the top rung in a lovely reef knot
that my third point of contact
almost forgot
i fell of once and it was like having a built in bungy
very safe


Re: do custies prefer traditional
« Reply #30 on: April 23, 2010, 06:08:56 pm »
i use my extremely large thingy tied to the top rung in a lovely reef knot
that my third point of contact
almost forgot
i fell of once and it was like having a built in bungy
very safe

lol ;D ;D ;D ;D


Re: do custies prefer traditional
« Reply #31 on: April 23, 2010, 06:19:15 pm »
From reading the forum, these are my thoughts on the subject.
Most traditional window cleaners know how to clean a window properly. They understand the safe practice of using ladders. Once they adapt to WFP they understand how to use it quite quickly, and usually end up doing a good job.

WFP has made it easy for anybody to become a window cleaner, however if the wfp operator has never done traditional cleaning, with squeegees, scrims etc, I think they will help give the WFP a bad name amongst customers, because perhaps they are not good enough window cleaners?

Even though my business will use WFP wherever possible, all of my staff will be taught how to use traditional equipment as well, back in the old days I would teach staff thoroughly how to use ladders, squeegees etc, and believe it takes about six months to teach and train them properly. With WFP teaching traditional methods will take the trainee considerably longer?
Yep a good constuctive reply