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  • Posts: 53
Re: Cleaned a mansion yesterday wfp-had to do it again today
« Reply #20 on: April 17, 2010, 12:25:09 am »
just get back on your ladders and do the job properly on old leaded windows you will never beat microfibres and scrims they come up like mirrors when you stand back and look at them i do lots of old houses this is the exact reason i will not be buying wfp
triple ladders frighten me

Craig 72

  • Posts: 526
Re: Cleaned a mansion yesterday wfp-had to do it again today
« Reply #21 on: April 17, 2010, 06:39:19 am »
just get back on your ladders and do the job properly on old leaded windows you will never beat microfibres and scrims they come up like mirrors when you stand back and look at them i do lots of old houses this is the exact reason i will not be buying wfp

Some of the windows are so high I don't think trad is even an option for me.Not that I would trad them anyway,it would be a brutal job and I would want more than £70.Some good ideas though everyone thanks.I'm keen to persevere cos I know that once they are good it's a nice monthly earner.

Re: Cleaned a mansion yesterday wfp-had to do it again today
« Reply #22 on: April 17, 2010, 07:21:07 am »
just get back on your ladders and do the job properly on old leaded windows you will never beat microfibres and scrims they come up like mirrors when you stand back and look at them i do lots of old houses this is the exact reason i will not be buying wfp

Some of the windows are so high I don't think trad is even an option for me.Not that I would trad them anyway,it would be a brutal job and I would want more than £70.Some good ideas though everyone thanks.I'm keen to persevere cos I know that once they are good it's a nice monthly earner.

This may be your problem. You should price work up to the same value WFP or Trad. The reason being is that esp on first cleans it can take quite a few scrubs to get them clean. What would you have priced it trad? You prob have rushed the job to get it done in the time for a £70.00 quote.

Craig 72

  • Posts: 526
Re: Cleaned a mansion yesterday wfp-had to do it again today
« Reply #23 on: April 17, 2010, 07:37:48 am »
I didn't rush the job,to my mind.I thought charging any more than than £70 for what I estimated a couple of hours work would be excessive.I'm not sure what I would have charged trad cos as I say,I'm not even sure it's possible.Some of the windows are so high and large I don't think a ladder would go near them.I can only assume the guy who did them trad before missed a lot of them and just did what he could.I'm positive that wfp is the right method on it,I've just obviously not caught all the dirt first time around.I don't have much experience on houses this size,so I'm still learning.

Re: Cleaned a mansion yesterday wfp-had to do it again today
« Reply #24 on: April 17, 2010, 07:45:09 am »
WFP is the right choice no doubt, but as you have seen from this experience some windows take more cleaning than others. If you need help pricing up a really big job you could always take pictures and tell the customer that you will e-mail them with a price or even drop them of a written quote. The benefit of this is that when you decide the price you dont have to actually eyeball the customer and can be more objective. Plus you could ask on here. You will get a wide variety of prices but it will give you an idea.
It's a learning curve for sure. If you want you could always email me pictures of a quote and I will give you my 2p's worth.
Here to help.  ;D

Craig 72

  • Posts: 526
Re: Cleaned a mansion yesterday wfp-had to do it again today
« Reply #25 on: April 17, 2010, 07:54:45 am »
That's not a bad idea,cheers.I would be interested to see what others on here would charge so next time I'm over there I'll take pics,if allowed.There have been times when I feel I've slightly rushed a quote and maybe got it wrong admittedly.