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  • Posts: 7
Feasible or not???
« on: April 14, 2010, 10:31:12 am »
Morning all, first post so be gentle! I have been spending a long time reading the great information on this forum for the last few days and have a few ?s so here goes. I am a 44 year old Factory Supervisor on Tyneside who is soon to be redundant and i am thinking of setting up a window cleaning business. I have no previous experience and was wondering if the BWCA courses were worth doing? Would i be better off canvassing to build a business or buying a established round? I intend to go WFP and all the local w/cs are trad. I intend to seek some business advice but there does seem to be a gap in the market here for WFP work. I would have a bit of money behind me so could afford a van and equipment on start up. Really interested in the idea, so answers are welcome.

Mist A Bit

  • Posts: 1032
Re: Feasible or not???
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2010, 01:11:57 pm »
hi steve

First of all as to buying a round or canvessing that would depend on how fast you wanted to start earning enough money to live off. Personally i brought a small round about 8 years ago and built it up from there. If you`ve never done the job before the window cleaning skills and wfp courses will be helpfull tho you might be able to find someone on this forum in your area who`l take you out for the day and give you an idea of how things work.

all the best


Martin ccs

Re: Feasible or not???
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2010, 02:16:16 pm »
ive learnt in life not to over think things - maybe you could ask on here to see if someone is in your area that would be happy to have you go round with them for a few days, that way you dont waste money on courses and you get to learn alot n fast.

i will say one thing - window cleaning aint as easy as it looks - i dont just mean the cleaning method, also the income when first starting out can be a pain, customer can muck you around alot ...

if i was starting out today i would def ask on here for any help in your area - maybe someone has some work for rent/sale to get you started.


  • Posts: 535
Re: Feasible or not???
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2010, 10:24:37 pm »
Hi there

I did the BWCA courses and found the trad skills worth while but the WFP course a waste of time and just like a sales demo.

Like the other guys if you see a wc go and ask him if you can come out with him for a while. That way you get their experience and knowledge. Even if you are just wanting to go WFP I would suggest you def do trad skills as you will always need it and the client expects you to be skilled in both disaplines.

Good luck with it and don't think too much about it as you do not need to think about the what if's they only hold you back..



  • Posts: 3511
Re: Feasible or not???
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2010, 10:35:34 pm »
buy some trad tools and practice on yer house. Seek out a window cleaner and ask to help him also. Don't pay for any courses would be my advice. Learn trad first it's a must


  • Posts: 1500
Re: Feasible or not???
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2010, 10:51:05 pm »
I wouldn't rush into spending all your redundancy money on a big set up, get the basics and go from there window cleaning might not be for you and if you blow the redudancy money on a flashy set up you might strugge to get your money back


Re: Feasible or not???
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2010, 11:09:27 pm »
Also loads of companies on Tyneside using wfp and have been for years if this forum is anything to go by.
Do your homework very thoroughly. You will have lot's of competition all the way.
Good luck to you mate and all the best, but don't let delusion get in the way of fact. It's your dosh and if you blow it, its gone.


  • Posts: 277
Re: Feasible or not???
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2010, 11:18:57 pm »
i just helped a local wc set up a diy 650l system including pole and brushs etc. for about £1500 inc giving me a drink to fit it.

no need to spend fortunes

my advice is

 go trad and build a customer base of at least 150 by this time you would have learned the game properly and know whether its for you or not before investing heavily in kit.

if you think you will stick with it then go wfp
if you dont like the boredom or the solitary life then you wouldnt have wasted much reduncancy money finding out

good luck
bad weather always looks worse through dirty windows


  • Posts: 416
Re: Feasible or not???
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2010, 09:09:49 am »
Yes it's feasible , definately spend a couple of days with someone trad and a few more with a WFP merchant.
If you can, buy a small round to start with and take it from there.
Good luck.
dont look who's to blame, look how to fix it. anon


  • Posts: 259
Re: Feasible or not???
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2010, 12:05:56 pm »
HI mate, I'm up in Northumberland. I got made redundant from a factory a while back after 20 years, best thing ever to happen by the way!

The way I started was I bought a small trad round and worked it for a few months, along the way I picked up more and more custies when they saw I did a good job and was regular! I then, thanks to this forum, made the leap into WFP and converted all custies. I lost a few but it was fine as I had gained previously.

I took my time with the equipment, firstly working out of my estate car with a backpack and 25l barrels. I consistently picked up new work. After a while I started looking at trolleys and a larger vehicle so I could carry more water, I plumped for an omnitrolley after I had bought an MPV. Still consistently picked up work. By June I will be looking for a van and a van mounted system.

I was'nt sure if I would like this job so basically took my time building the business, but it is probably the best job in the world. YOU are your own boss. With dedication, commitment and more than a bit of skill you can transform your life!

There's no need to splash the cash on the flash!!!  ;) Just take your time, build your round and your business, it takes time but you CAN get there. It could just possibly be the best move you ever make!

This forum will be invaluable to you, make the most of it.



Re: Feasible or not???
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2010, 12:25:27 pm »
Hi there

I did the BWCA courses and found the trad skills worth while but the WFP course a waste of time and just like a sales demo.

that seems to be the general thought on it ( though i am sure some will not see it ), trad work is just practise , so practise all you can, WFP is easy enough, my 6 yr old daughter does our windows and does them well, i showed her for the first window and away she went

i am sure you will be able find some1 to spend a day or 2 with for free, they can show the the ropes

your best bet is to make a post nearer the time and explain you are in blah blah town but will travel ( as people might not be so keen if you are in the town they cover ) but its no hardshop to travel a hour


Re: Feasible or not???
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2010, 12:30:28 pm »
my advice is dont spend silly big money on gettign started, you might not be cut out for it

get yourself either a backpack on a cart or build yourself a trolley, use 25 L barrels to start and get out canvassing, you should be able to pick up a days work ( do it on saturday if you have to ) and see if you like it

you can get yourself setup for 500 quid for a basic kit, you can work out of your car for a while, give it a whirl, you have nothing to lose, if you like then you can buy more expensive kit ( if you feel the need )

dont foget a WFP is just a means of getting pure water upto a brush head, from a 100 quid backback to a 20 K system, its the same pure water at a brush, dont let a slick salesmen take all your money


Re: Feasible or not???
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2010, 02:04:56 pm »
Go big, get everything professionally done. I did and started my business 1st March 2010, see for details.
I bought a newish Peugeot Boxer van and an Ionics Thermopure Pro - 7 plus lots of poles, got the van signwritten, joined CHAS, Safe Contractor etc did some training at BWCA to get certificates etc. Designed website, brochures, cards letterheads, bought insurance, I could keep going.
Why did I buy everything, before I had any work, because now whilst I am out quoting I know I can do any of the jobs I quote for. I don't chase any houses, just commercial, and so far I have quoted lots.
We look big enough to cope, but as yet we have very few customers due to starting in March 2010.
I suppose it depends what you want out of it, I want a good lifestyle, and hopefully you do too.

paul rulton

Re: Feasible or not???
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2010, 04:13:02 pm »
still gotta b paid 4  :)


Re: Feasible or not???
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2010, 04:25:40 pm »
It hurts I can tell you, but it should be worth it soon :P

paul rulton

Re: Feasible or not???
« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2010, 04:29:14 pm »
rather u than me fella  :-\
best of luck with it all tho  ;) as i told ya b4... it looks the nuts of a set up  ;)


  • Posts: 2506
Re: Feasible or not???
« Reply #16 on: April 15, 2010, 04:37:31 pm »
get yourself either a backpack on a cart or build yourself a trolley, use 25 L barrels to start and get out canvassing, you should be able to pick up a days work ( do it on saturday if you have to ) and see if you like it
Excellent advice. This is how I started, with a Surflo backpack and 25l barrells out of my Rover 45. One year on I had enough work to justify a van and 500l system, another 1.5 years on to today and I am looking at taking someone on.

If you have the right personality this can be a great job.

paul rulton

Re: Feasible or not???
« Reply #17 on: April 15, 2010, 04:42:00 pm »
well done david3511  :) good on ya  ;D


  • Posts: 7
Re: Feasible or not???
« Reply #18 on: April 15, 2010, 09:23:23 pm »
Thanks for all the advice, much appreciated. I am made redundant next Friday and i am very keen to give it a go, sick of factories i have spent 23 year making upvc windows. I have not seen any local domestic w/cs using WFP and just this morning noticed a Escort type van signwritten for traditional and WFP work passing as i drove into work. Looked into local rounds for sale, there is one for sale but he is only charging his customers 4 quid for a 3 bed semi including bays etc  Looks like i maybe better off canvassing from the start.


  • Posts: 25125
Re: Feasible or not???
« Reply #19 on: April 15, 2010, 10:06:29 pm »
Thanks for all the advice, much appreciated. I am made redundant next Friday and i am very keen to give it a go, sick of factories i have spent 23 year making upvc windows. I have not seen any local domestic w/cs using WFP and just this morning noticed a Escort type van signwritten for traditional and WFP work passing as i drove into work. Looked into local rounds for sale, there is one for sale but he is only charging his customers 4 quid for a 3 bed semi including bays etc  Looks like i maybe better off canvassing from the start.

If you make upvc windows then here is a good sideline for you - offer to replace misted up sealed units for people. I pass on loads of work to a mate of mine that does this and if I had time on my hands I would learn to do it myself.
It's a game of three halves!