the resin that is regenerated by salt water solution is a water softening resin usually found at the first stage of a 5/6 stage RO system. It is a different resin than the finishing resin which cannot be regenerated by salt water.
Water softening resin beads attract calcium and magnesium from our tap water making it softer before it goes through the sediment and carbon filters then onto the RO and finally through the DI resin used as a polishing filter.
When salt water is flushed through the water softening resin, the sodium in the salt attracts the magnesium and calcium particles from the resin beads and they are all flushed out through a waste pipe, leaving the resin beads clear of any impurities and ready to do their job again. I flush my resin every 400 litres which takes 10 minutes, then start my water making process which takes 4 hours to produce 450 litres.
You should have an empty plastic cylinder somewhere in your system which is filled with regenerating salt (about £10-£15 a 25kg bag)
It will also be necessary to change over a couple of pipes whilst flushing the water softening resin.