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Pristine Clean

  • Posts: 1149
Customer requests - Office Cleaning
« on: April 01, 2010, 06:53:03 am »
Hi guys,

I was wondering how you guys go about dealing with extras.

What I mean by this is :

The customer asks the following,

Can you check to make sure the coffee machines are turned off.
Can you make sure the security blinds are all down
Can yoy double checkl all windows are locked.

Stuff like that.

Do you add extra time, Do you tell them its not your responsibility?


"You have to except that some days you are the statue and other days you are a pigeon"

Robert Parry

  • Posts: 535
Re: Customer requests - Office Cleaning
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2010, 09:32:13 am »
Hi Dave,

When carrying out the survey of any premises, these are just some of the questions that should be asked, regarding the security aspect, most often the cleaning operatives will be the last person to leave the building, so blinds should be drawn, and all entry exit points (windows/doors/fire escapes etc), should, as a matter of course be checked.

However, you do indeed raise a valid point, after agreeing a specification and standard of cleaning to be attained, some clients then try to add on "extra's", within the industry this is known as "contract creep".

This can seriously damage your profit margin, your survey paperwork, and your questioning at survey time should be framed in such a way, to make this type of behaviour, next to impossible.

It is then, a simple process to explain to your client, that each "extra" task, has both a time and fiscal element. That way, you give the client a choice.

You should not, obviously, "load" the contract, so that you can give a low price at quote time, omitting tasks that your client has every right to expect, as standard, then add these tasks at a later date.


A world of difference....

Pristine Clean

  • Posts: 1149
Re: Customer requests - Office Cleaning
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2010, 04:28:48 pm »
Hi Rob,

Thanks again for a detailed reply.

I agree with you but why is it a right to expect these things.

We are there to clean. We are not there to attend to security matters surely. Yes we lock the door we go in and out of, set the alarm etc. But why get give turn off coffee machines, draw blinds.

I did not do the survey for this, and the wrong contract was given. Not that theres much of a change.

I was just wondering how others such as yourselves get rid of these mister miners.

I dont mind in general, we have a fantastic relationship with all our clients.

they just niggle me. As you put it, there right to expect. But I dont see how really we dont use the coffee machine, or the blinds. And many other things


"You have to except that some days you are the statue and other days you are a pigeon"