He Des, try 3 weetabix for breakfast.
Are we talking about the same machine here? I found it very easy to move - as easy as the Cimex I have, and that is easy.
The Hruby literature says it has 2 types of gliders - white for for low profile, black for med to high.
Shaun - the weight is 82lbs so you not wanting to lift it too often.
but I got a pair of ramps to help with the Cimex (and the Prowler when it needs to come out of the van) so major lifting is covered, and the 10" wheels means it will pull up stairs easier then the Cimex - and I have pulled that up one floor of commercial stairs (more of then then domestic).
Robert - it is not like a rotary in the respect it can run away with you on startup. In fact the Hruby can be left by itself (not that you would want to do it) and it will move from its spot very little and ever so gently. No violent torque reaction. I assume this must be because it has the 2 wheels always on the floor. The Cimex is the same - no violent movement. The Cimex is the only cc machine that I dont break out in a sweat working it.
Derek - just depends on how bad your hall carpet was, what you used on it, and of course the proceedure you used.