Dry compound cleaning (AKA Very Low Moisture (VLM)) is a valid system with capabilities far beyond what many believe to be the case. In reality, time for a given job may dictate a different system to be used.
IMO, VLM systems are at their best in a commercial environment when they are used in house by the regular daily contract cleaners. For us specialist CCers, we probably wouldn't be prepared to visit premises often enough to use the system to it's best.
Again IMO, VLM is the least demanding of operator knowledge or skills. However, anything more heavily soiled than the beyond the example given above, VLM can become a difficult system to use effectively, so higher skill levels are required with a dollop of patience and a dedication to correct procedures being essential.
Many years ago, I was invited by Host to their HQ in Racine. In nearby Chicago they had a major department store that had WHITE carpets fitted
They were kept immaculate using the Host system by being cleaned on a daily basis. Not a big ordeal as they only cleaned the areas that had visible soil or spillages. From memory, apart from vaccing, it took less than an hour a day to clean a whole floor and the immaculate white carpet gave them unique advantage over the opposition.
For myself, back in the nineties, I maintained 26 high street banks along with the area office, all to a very high standard, using VLM.
Safe and happy cleaning
The Ken