The construction market is picking up but ive still got some fortnighty rounds which i will continue to clean until the economy is back in a strong position.
I bought the WFP system but wanted to expand faster than i could on my own so i got a very experienced canvasser whos done door to door selling in many industries for power companies, upvc companies, insulation companies, roofing companies the list goes on.....
Hes 55 and has run canvassing teams numbering from 4 to 12. Hes cv is very impressive and i checked out his references which came back as genuine. He has a method of seeing every potential customer and had a amazing success rate with the work he got me. The work he got me has nearly sold and he will be out of a job.
By starting a canvassing service my canvasser can build a team of a moderate size and as well as keeping himself in a job he will be providing me with a seperate income from the cleaning.
I will make sure the work he obtains is to the highest quality and priced fairly (one of his best qualities is pricing) and we will provide a reputable service that people can recommend. I have noticed a few window cleaners on this site shy away from canvassing companies but hopefully we can change their perceptions.
Anyone who is interested in having work canvassed in the north west email me Regards
Daniel Guest