I have an 18' and 35' slx poles. The 18' is my favourite as its the one I use 90% of the time. They are the best poles I have ever used.
Because they have a very tight tolerence between clamp and pole its vital you keep sand and grit getting on the pole hose.I had issues with my 18' pole originaly. I filed down the inside of the plastic clamps that were standing slightly proud of the pole profile which improved useing the pole dramaticly.
As the outer resin on the pole wore down the pole just got better and better to use. Then the black carbon dust started and black hands were the order of the day.
But about 3 months ago I tried spraying wd40 on the pole,this improved the use of the pole and reduced the carbon dust but the wd40 does not last long( hours).I then tried some ceramic oil I have for my push bike and its superb on the pole lasting up to 3 days.The ceramic oil bonds to the surface of the pole so It stops carbon dust. It makes the pole glide in use. When lowering the sections in use I open the clamp give my wrist a slight flick and the pole section just slides down,superb,effortless topull the sections out. The best bit when I oil the pole is that it looks brand new,shiny and slick. I wont use the pole without the oil.it willmasively increase the lifespan of the pole asthe oil takes the wear.