I’m just finishing the last job in Stafford this afternoon at about 2-30.
I step off the pointer onto the lawn and a lady walks up to me and say’s “Are you the window-cleaner that does this street?”
Now, I have to say at this point that when I’m working, I look nothing like a Window Cleaner.
I have a pointer ladder, an aluminium ladder with a “stand-off” at the top, I wear a short sleeved sports shirt with my name embroidered on it, [you know the type of shirt, just like the one’s that window-cleaners wear].
Unlike window-cleaner’s, I wear a webbing belt around my middle, with two pockets to carry scrim, sill cloth, sash brush, small squeegee, and the usual small selection of kitchen sinks.
I have a long fluffy thing, [“Don’t we all, they cry”]; it resides in the green bucket that also hangs from the belt, and is kept company by a squeegee.
So I think that you will agree, I look nothing like a Window Cleaner.
Now it’s not the first part of the question that bothered me, it was “down this street” that did.
So I said, “Well, I’m doing THIS house down THIS street, so what do you think?”
“Oh no”, she said, “I’m looking for the other chap, the one that’s not very good, doesn’t turn up very often”
My reply was, “Sorry, I’m the one that turns every fourth Wednesday, I’m the reliable one.”
She laughed and walked away - is it me?