I arrived at an EOT job today where the lady failed to mention the 54 steps and no lift facilities to her flat. After a bit of head scratching I decided I wasn't risking by back for no one. I didn't have enough hose and if I had, there was no power points available to me, so I was in a pickle... (I know I should have gone to quote and weigh the job up, but her description of the carpet was perfect and my price was a little on the high side if I'm honest.)
Anyhow I remembered that powder stuff I got with my Sebo Duo so I quickly came up with the alternative of VLM, she was delighted I had a back up plan as she needed the job done before 4:30pm today. Her carpets weren't trashed so I knew I wasn't going to have any major problems.
So she disappears for a while to her new flat and I crack on with cleaning her oven, then on to the "Shake and Vac" method as I have referred to it before. When she comes back she is over the moon and to be honest, I was surprised at what a good job it did myself.