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Re: Alltec advance or Extracta exel
« Reply #20 on: February 18, 2010, 11:18:31 pm »
hi Rob,

Your not far from me, how long have you had the alltec?

robert meldrum

  • Posts: 1984
Re: Alltec advance or Extracta exel
« Reply #21 on: February 18, 2010, 11:20:22 pm »
Sometimes companies are scared of change, but the Extracta people could easily do what Ashbys do and buy  machines from America then modify it for he UK market with their own brand on it.

The difference between 100 psi and 400psi or even 200 psi is massive in terms of cleaning power which equates to time taken to complete work and with more powerfull vacuumation faster drying.

The 100 psi machines WILL clean carpets but will take longer and require considerably more effort than a machine with 200 psi and twin vacs.

robert stubbs

  • Posts: 266
Re: Alltec advance or Extracta exel
« Reply #22 on: February 18, 2010, 11:21:27 pm »
Both machines are used on 2" hose with DD 2"wand, fantastic results and  Carpets are dry very quick.

 ps picked machine up at CCDO last April

Re: Alltec advance or Extracta exel
« Reply #23 on: February 18, 2010, 11:25:39 pm »
Both machines are used on 2" hose with DD 2"wand, fantastic results and  Carpets are dry very quick.

 ps picked machine up at CCDO last April

They both 100psi?

robert stubbs

  • Posts: 266
Re: Alltec advance or Extracta exel
« Reply #24 on: February 18, 2010, 11:27:10 pm »
No Alltec 600psi and Scorpion 300psi, sorry wrong dial.

Re: Alltec advance or Extracta exel
« Reply #25 on: February 18, 2010, 11:29:53 pm »
No Alltec 600psi and Scorpion 300psi

Not 2k to buy then, i only want to spend this on the machine, another 1k on drier, other bits etc.

robert stubbs

  • Posts: 266
Re: Alltec advance or Extracta exel
« Reply #26 on: February 18, 2010, 11:37:04 pm »
Why not lease it or loan a demo and put deposit down .


  All that power.

Re: Alltec advance or Extracta exel
« Reply #27 on: February 18, 2010, 11:45:08 pm »
Thanks Rob, yes that is an option ive looked in to, but its all been a bit rushed and need the income straight away due to the very recent loss of a big job that we have had for six years, had a really bad couple of years as a ltd company, companys going bust on us etc etc.   

robert stubbs

  • Posts: 266
Re: Alltec advance or Extracta exel
« Reply #28 on: February 18, 2010, 11:45:25 pm »
Before anyone asks, no I don't work for Alltec as a sales rep.

Regards Rob ;D ;D

Re: Alltec advance or Extracta exel
« Reply #29 on: February 18, 2010, 11:47:21 pm »


  • Posts: 1179
Re: Alltec advance or Extracta exel
« Reply #30 on: February 18, 2010, 11:50:16 pm »
go on ebay, there are a few machines on there.  look at item number 190373564788


Re: Alltec advance or Extracta exel
« Reply #31 on: February 18, 2010, 11:56:12 pm »
Most of my decision is based on first impressions of a company, I emailed 4 suppliers/agents last week requesting information about portys, only one got back to me, the others I had to phone, one didnt even ring me back, this does put me off spending hard earnt £'s with some mentioned on this thread.


  • Posts: 1054
Re: Alltec advance or Extracta exel
« Reply #32 on: February 19, 2010, 01:33:39 am »
Sorry mate but 100 psi = hard work. I recently cleaned a pub, a regular for the first time with my Airflex, I took a lot less time and a lot less water and that's just the pressure. If I had too choose I would go with an Alltec 100 psi 'off the shelf' brilliantly built. If you can wait then an Airflex, Alltec or Scorpion triple vac. The 100 psi pump machine will get old real quick.

Another option maybe to find a fellow carpet cleaner on here who can do the work with you. It's not perfect but realising you want a more powerful machine after spending £2000 and then not being able to sell it for anything near that to upgrade will only frustrate.

100 psi machines are fine, and will do a great job but they are hard work and it involves patience!

Good luck


  • Posts: 1643
Re: Alltec advance or Extracta exel
« Reply #33 on: February 19, 2010, 05:10:26 am »
I had a 135 psi ninja then moved up to 500psi and run it around 200 its far more better you will regret buying anything with just 100 psi every one has said this,best you listen we all here to help ;D there are lots of machines on the market,I am looking at the Mytee 450 twin inline heater £2,100 including vat from woodbridge

Re: Alltec advance or Extracta exel
« Reply #34 on: February 19, 2010, 08:12:52 am »
Thanks all for the advice, a couple of people have also emailed me, I'll let you know how I get on.


  • Posts: 1129
Re: Alltec advance or Extracta exel
« Reply #35 on: February 19, 2010, 09:21:16 am »
Extracta push the use of their Scrubba tools which when used even with only 100 psi clean pretty well even on pub carpet.
You could always upgrade the Exel's pump in the future.
The one thing about Extracta's is the build quality of the actual unit - bodywork, they are one of the best made in that respect.

I used Extracta's, Mr Steam's, Cleanmasters and a whole host of other equally well known portables and to be fair the Extracta's were the most durable ones in terms of build. I wouldn't however buy another or even any portable again.

You should also consider back up and again this is where Extracta wins imo.

Colin Day

Re: Alltec advance or Extracta exel
« Reply #36 on: February 19, 2010, 09:54:50 am »
I've owned the Exel (Well 2 actually) and now I use the Alltec Advance TV 600psi. The extra PSI and oodles of extra airflow from the Alltec have seen me produce far superior, drier results in half the time... It's a no brainer really!!!!


Re: Alltec advance or Extracta exel
« Reply #37 on: February 19, 2010, 09:59:19 am »
if i was starting over i would be getting a headache so many good machines around. 300 plus psi and twin vac essential i believe you will get results with smaller under powered machines but it will take you far longer to get there. remember its not just getting the carpets clean its getting them dry. so the extra airflow a triple vac would give you will help in that area.

I would give steve a ring decent guy and he may have something for you.

Darren O

  • Posts: 1322
Re: Alltec advance or Extracta exel
« Reply #38 on: February 19, 2010, 12:52:12 pm »
Have a look at the Powerflight 1350 top machine 500psi 2 vacs with and great heat also Amtech have seen sense and ditched the cheap Chinese vacs and went back to the Imperial vacs.


  • Posts: 627
Re: Alltec advance or Extracta exel
« Reply #39 on: February 19, 2010, 02:01:42 pm »
As above 100psi isnt near enough these days.

Go for the bigger one. I would suggest Alltec but I am biased, the machines are easy to work on, Chris and the team will help you.

Also with 100psi you cant really do hard floors as Altec will point out to you, its another string to your bow.

As to HSS they hire out Ninjas etc, probably seen better days but better than nowt. As for your Mon/Tues customers tell them your machine has broken down and are waiting for spares etc etc.

Rather lose a custy than buy a machine you are going to hate the look of if you buy in haste.

Why not put a shout out on here or on the Commercial side for a spare machine to borrow, just to help you out, guys on here are very helpful.

My opinion thats all.
