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  • Posts: 60
Pricing Dilemma ??
« on: January 29, 2010, 03:35:22 pm »
 I am thinking of starting my own round and leaving my present job- by trying to get customers on weekends and building from here. My main questions are regarding pricing. I have been out with a mate on his round and he charges over £25 for some detatched houses (normal windows) and over £20 fro semis and £15 terraces. And for leaded windows even more- £40 and up and he gets paid this money !! To me (we are based in South Beds/North Herts) i would charge £6.50-£12.00 range for normal windows and more for Leaded/French.  Am i correct and does my mate charge too much ??

Martin ccs

Re: Pricing Dilemma ??
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2010, 03:47:00 pm »
give this a try - take a look at a few houses and price it like this - £1 a window £2 for bay windows or patio doors. 50p for small front and back doors and then add £1 for yourself.

conservatory - depends if it two sides or all the way round and of course the size - try £5 as a rough average.

just try that and see what you think - work out how long that would take and if it doesnt match what you want to earn an hour then amend it from there.

just take a look at your own/friends houses and see what happens.


  • Posts: 60
Re: Pricing Dilemma ??
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2010, 03:59:03 pm »
  Thanks. My mate even does a large house in a posh village- all leaded windows and gets £80 !!! I find this amazing. Unless because we are not far from London !!!

Martin ccs

Re: Pricing Dilemma ??
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2010, 04:01:58 pm »
  Thanks. My mate even does a large house in a posh village- all leaded windows and gets £80 !!! I find this amazing. Unless because we are not far from London !!!

im sure if you speak to the guys up in scotland they would prob do a house twice the size for £2.50  :o

prices are very different in areas of the uk.

big north - south divide


Re: Pricing Dilemma ??
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2010, 04:22:23 pm »
Hi Ringo
Before you judge your mates prices why don't you research on what is the going/acceptable rate for your area. You have been out working with him so have a good idea of how long jobs may take.

The amount to charge is a really emotive subject with many different opinions but I have always found if I don't value my business, the customer certainly wont. They may just mess you around because they think your cheap


  • Posts: 1262
Re: Pricing Dilemma ??
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2010, 04:52:20 pm »
your mate charges as much as his custy is willing to pay, so no, he is not charging too much. Better to have a hand full of well paid to a bucket load of poorly paid, if you can afford to.


Re: Pricing Dilemma ??
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2010, 05:09:13 pm »
Hi Martin just saw your pricing above this thread.If I may ash to explane in a little more detail your pricing on conservatorys I dont understand the  5 pouind think. 5 quid for what for the hole conny or per pane door or? Shead some lite please.

Martin ccs

Re: Pricing Dilemma ??
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2010, 07:08:04 pm »
Hi Martin just saw your pricing above this thread.If I may ash to explane in a little more detail your pricing on conservatorys I dont understand the  5 pouind think. 5 quid for what for the hole conny or per pane door or? Shead some lite please.

no probs, £5 is just a rough price what i would add to the final cost of the complete house for monthly cleaning.

sometimes there is more glass on a con than the house and def more framework to clean.

if i was to clean a con roof i may charge from £5 per roof panel but there are a load of different situations why i would charge more ...