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customer contracts
« on: January 27, 2010, 11:56:11 pm »
just read on another thread about customers having to give 7 days notice if they want to cancel or miss a month. Do any of you use contracts with your customers? I'm assuming that if you don't have a contract then if they say 'not this month' you can do nothing but come back the next? 


Re: customer contracts
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2010, 12:04:08 am »
You do not need a contract as such only terms of Business and the best place is a t the back of your quote which says by accepting this quote you accept the terms of .......... Business name ( talking on demestic ) just draw there attention to them.Just say have you seen my terms of buisiness on the back of my quote and also put the same on the back of invoices.


Re: customer contracts
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2010, 12:08:28 am »
Your statement is true if noagreement you cannot expect they to abite by then. The word contract is very word can it an agreement or just the understanding  or  agreement. Domestic custies do not like contrac and will not sign.


Re: customer contracts
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2010, 12:11:27 am »
what else do you cover in your terms of business wizard? bad weather etc i'd imagine. any chance of seeing a copy of yours?


Re: customer contracts
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2010, 12:23:16 am »
I have been is window cleaning a year and am about to compile mine.this business I have many years in business in general. But needed to see what this industrial will through at me.
Will put it on the forum when it is finished.


Re: customer contracts
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2010, 12:27:04 am »
i'd be interested to read them. cheers


Re: customer contracts
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2010, 12:28:34 am »
I ahver some custies that pay late and this throughs my cash flow out so I have desided to chasrge 1 pound leavy if the payment is overdue by the next clean if it is nit paid by the next clean I will not clean and will demand 2 pound extra.I will jus word it in a more acceptable way.All this needs thought.I already have a basic frame work of what I need to stop a few bad practices by my clients.


Re: customer contracts
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2010, 08:58:12 am »
contracts with domestics WILL NOT work,dont waste your time,if they dont want u they wont have u.Sorry to be blunt but its true

Jack Wallace

  • Posts: 625
Re: customer contracts
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2010, 09:12:40 am »
Having a contract with domestic customers is a crazy idea in my opinion.

How many times have you looked at a service and thought "I like that but no way am I getting into something which ties me to a contract"
That’s why Pay as you go mobiles are so popular.
So what if the odd customer says "not this month". Move onto the next one, It’s not going to bankrupt you for goodness sake.
How important is it really!!!!!!
But If it really does affect your business to such a degree then perhaps you should look a bit closer to home for the problems and stop blaming the customers.


  • Posts: 112
Re: customer contracts
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2010, 06:28:57 pm »
I agree that signed contracts are not necessary with small value work but as already mentioned I think its good practice to state your terms of business on the back of quotes. This is what I have used for many years, feel free to borrow it:-

1.   Service Quality

Elfords take pride in the quality of their work and offer a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee. If in the unlikely event that our services have not met your expectations, Elfords will ensure that a mutually acceptable outcome is achieved.

2.   Frequency

Elfords offer a range of options in terms of frequency for our cleaning services and seek to reward customer loyalty. We guarantee to clean/complete your windows/services all year round, “come rain or shine” and will carry out the work during an agreed week each month. Our normal working hours are Monday to Saturday 08.00 to 18.00. At times of illness or holiday this period may change slightly for operational reasons.

3.   Notice of Change to Service/Cancellation of Service

In order to be able offer a cost effective service, Elfords undertake to provide their regular service during normal working hours/days during the agreed week and at the agreed frequency, and regardless of weather, unless it is deemed unsafe by ourselves to continue working. In the event of the need to temporarily change this arrangement a minimum of one week’s notice will need to be given by yourselves, verbally or in writing. Apart from extreme emergencies, all Abortive visits will be charged at the agreed regular rate for the property. To operate a cost-effective service, it is essential that our work is carried out in accordance with the agreed schedule, otherwise it may be necessary to withdraw our services. In the event that you may wish to cancel our services a minimum notice period of ......... month/s is required in writing only.

4.   Access

To offer a cost effective service, it is essential that unhindered access be provided to your property (where applicable) to enable your windows/services to be cleaned in accordance with your needs. We work to a four weekly timetable and unless advised to the contrary, seek to clean/complete your windows/services during a predetermined period each month (e.g. weeks 1 – 4). This avoids the need to make repeat visits due to the inability to gain full access to your property.

Ideally, arrangements need to be made to provide Elfords with access to your property (where applicable) when you are not in. This could include providing us with duplicate keys for your side gate or door or any access codes if these need to be accessed to get to the rear/interior or grounds of your property (For reasons of safety/insurance we are unable to climb over locked gates etc. to gain access). Alternatively, if you would prefer to leave a key in a safe place, please advise us accordingly. Please note that Elfords have a Key Insurance Policy. References are available upon request.

In the event that on a scheduled visit to your property Elfords are unable to gain full access, we will endeavour to clean as much of your property as possible although the full price will need to be charged. Otherwise, we will be happy to arrange a special visit but the pricing structure for this service falls within our premium price bracket, which  includes a call out charge.

5.   Prices & Payment

The contracted prices are subject to a periodic review and you will be notified accordingly in advance.

Elfords offer a variety of different ways of paying your account, which includes the following:

•   Payment when the service is carried out (Cash or Cheque)
•   Cheque to be sent to Elfords at the Richmond Dene address within five days of completion.
•   Invoiced for payment to be sent within 14 days (subject to status)

6.   Acceptance of Terms & Conditions

You are deemed to have accepted our terms and conditions upon commencement of our services.

outdoor restore

  • Posts: 309
Re: customer contracts
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2010, 08:13:31 pm »
I agree that signed contracts are not necessary with small value work but as already mentioned I think its good practice to state your terms of business on the back of quotes. This is what I have used for many years, feel free to borrow it:-

1.   Service Quality

Elfords take pride in the quality of their work and offer a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee. If in the unlikely event that our services have not met your expectations, Elfords will ensure that a mutually acceptable outcome is achieved.

2.   Frequency

Elfords offer a range of options in terms of frequency for our cleaning services and seek to reward customer loyalty. We guarantee to clean/complete your windows/services all year round, “come rain or shine” and will carry out the work during an agreed week each month. Our normal working hours are Monday to Saturday 08.00 to 18.00. At times of illness or holiday this period may change slightly for operational reasons.

3.   Notice of Change to Service/Cancellation of Service

In order to be able offer a cost effective service, Elfords undertake to provide their regular service during normal working hours/days during the agreed week and at the agreed frequency, and regardless of weather, unless it is deemed unsafe by ourselves to continue working. In the event of the need to temporarily change this arrangement a minimum of one week’s notice will need to be given by yourselves, verbally or in writing. Apart from extreme emergencies, all Abortive visits will be charged at the agreed regular rate for the property. To operate a cost-effective service, it is essential that our work is carried out in accordance with the agreed schedule, otherwise it may be necessary to withdraw our services. In the event that you may wish to cancel our services a minimum notice period of ......... month/s is required in writing only.

4.   Access

To offer a cost effective service, it is essential that unhindered access be provided to your property (where applicable) to enable your windows/services to be cleaned in accordance with your needs. We work to a four weekly timetable and unless advised to the contrary, seek to clean/complete your windows/services during a predetermined period each month (e.g. weeks 1 – 4). This avoids the need to make repeat visits due to the inability to gain full access to your property.

Ideally, arrangements need to be made to provide Elfords with access to your property (where applicable) when you are not in. This could include providing us with duplicate keys for your side gate or door or any access codes if these need to be accessed to get to the rear/interior or grounds of your property (For reasons of safety/insurance we are unable to climb over locked gates etc. to gain access). Alternatively, if you would prefer to leave a key in a safe place, please advise us accordingly. Please note that Elfords have a Key Insurance Policy. References are available upon request.

In the event that on a scheduled visit to your property Elfords are unable to gain full access, we will endeavour to clean as much of your property as possible although the full price will need to be charged. Otherwise, we will be happy to arrange a special visit but the pricing structure for this service falls within our premium price bracket, which  includes a call out charge.

5.   Prices & Payment

The contracted prices are subject to a periodic review and you will be notified accordingly in advance.

Elfords offer a variety of different ways of paying your account, which includes the following:

•   Payment when the service is carried out (Cash or Cheque)
•   Cheque to be sent to Elfords at the Richmond Dene address within five days of completion.
•   Invoiced for payment to be sent within 14 days (subject to status)

6.   Acceptance of Terms & Conditions

You are deemed to have accepted our terms and conditions upon commencement of our services.

Do you always enforce para 3, and are the customers happy to pay full price for "not today"


  • Posts: 112
Re: customer contracts
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2010, 09:06:12 pm »
No I have never had to enforce it and it has rarely been an issue, but when it has propped up I have refered them to our terms and the reasons for such a policy and that usually does the trick. Its all about setting out at the beginning how you mean to go on and it is up to you to effectively bring your customers around to your way of doing business and not the other way around.

On the odd occassion that a customer has messed me about and I have refered them to the above I may let it go the once and that usually does the trick to ensure it does not happen again. Again here this is about knowing your customers and thats why I mention in extreme emergency situations it is acceptable to be messed about. i.e. if someone has had a recent bereavement it goes without saying that you have to show understanding as they probably won`t want to have to deal with anyone at that time, thats clearly acceptable, but simply because they choose not to have you that month for no good reason is not acceptable.

outdoor restore

  • Posts: 309
Re: customer contracts
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2010, 09:17:09 pm »

Thanks for info



Re: customer contracts
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2010, 09:48:03 pm »
Well down Elfords very professional. What I have in mind is very much the same with a few tweaks to suit my area in which I work. They are very clear and specific. I think you will find with this type of agreement as you said you hardly need to enforce them because clients know what to expect and also know what you expect of them. It creates the right impression and show you are dealing with a professional company. I cannot under stand how businesses can work without terms. Again well down.

To the fellow who said pay as you go does so well. Even Pay as you go has terms and conditions all good business operate with them. It is for this and  a few other reason  we are and will not  be able to ourselves a professional.


Re: customer contracts
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2010, 09:53:20 pm »
Thanks Gary, very useful information.

Martin ccs

Re: customer contracts
« Reply #15 on: January 28, 2010, 10:11:18 pm »
i'd be interested to read them. cheers

sounds good mate - be a good and handy read.

we wait to see it  ;)


  • Posts: 112
Re: customer contracts
« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2010, 02:42:23 pm »
It is basically covering all bases. So with key holder insurance, they can happily let us have a duplicate key for there side gate etc. in the safe knowledge that should there be any consequences from us losing it there covered. Plus if they would rather not do that they can arrange to leave a key in a specified place for us to gain access, this of course assumes that the lock is on the front of the gate or it is a railing style gate so you can reach the lock. One other method which I have yet to add to the above terms is that we can text them the night before so they can leave the gate open. This is quite popular. As for phoning as some people do, no thanks, after getting home the last thing I want is to be doing is phoning around a load of customers, what with all the small talk it takes ages, and I also believe the customers prefer not to be disturbed, so text is a win win solution.


  • Posts: 112
Re: customer contracts
« Reply #17 on: February 02, 2010, 03:13:45 pm »
you can get it with most public liability policy`s just ask


  • Posts: 3503
Re: customer contracts
« Reply #18 on: February 02, 2010, 03:26:14 pm »
I ahver some custies that pay late and this throughs my cash flow out so I have desided to chasrge 1 pound leavy if the payment is overdue by the next clean if it is nit paid by the next clean I will not clean and will demand 2 pound extra.I will jus word it in a more acceptable way.All this needs thought.I already have a basic frame work of what I need to stop a few bad practices by my clients.

Don't you think that putting a pound or two on the price, and offering a £2.00 discount for prompt payment would go down better?
If someone wanted to charge me £2 extra, because I was away on holiday when he last came round, I would cancel him there and then.


Re: customer contracts
« Reply #19 on: February 02, 2010, 03:28:44 pm »
contracts with domestics WILL NOT work,dont waste your time,if they dont want u they wont have u.Sorry to be blunt but its true

I agree 100%  Just be nice to them it works much better. What are you going to do if they don't stick to the contract? Sue them? The customer will have just two words for you and the second word will be "OFF"