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R W C™

  • Posts: 1649
Re: Doorknockers
« Reply #20 on: January 28, 2010, 06:21:04 pm »
it winds me up how they get away with hawking for trade on here, without paying.

Why let it get to you, everyone needs to get work just like you do, im sure theres plenty of people out there who hate people knocking on there doors or recieving leaflets through the door, just dont open the post if you dont want to read it.


Re: Doorknockers
« Reply #21 on: January 28, 2010, 06:21:26 pm »
w/c has very little overheads ,im thinking doorknocking has Even less ! maybe get thru a few multi packs of throat lozenges  ,  maybe they get a touch of worn shoulder joint from raising the hand to the knocker  over the years  ;D

MAYBE THEY get that thing similar to long time dart players ,where you cant let go of the darts/ doorknocker


  • Posts: 1774
Re: Doorknockers
« Reply #22 on: January 28, 2010, 06:24:42 pm »
My friend used round builders, speaks very highly of them.
They built a good round for him so he has told me and they replaced lost work.
Of which this was mainly down to people losing there jobs and couldn't afford his service.


Re: Doorknockers
« Reply #23 on: January 28, 2010, 06:28:04 pm »
it winds me up how they get away with hawking for trade on here, without paying.

Why let it get to you, everyone needs to get work just like you do, im sure theres plenty of people out there who hate people knocking on there doors or recieving leaflets through the door, just dont open the post if you dont want to read it.

thats not the point...they come on and spam the site, without paying for the advertising like the real supporters/sponsors of the site do.

Rogue Trader

  • Posts: 1366
Re: Doorknockers
« Reply #24 on: January 28, 2010, 10:20:11 pm »
whats happend to gdroundbuilder and scotchy marketing?

Doorknockers are FAB see my post on the other thread but Scotchy are a joke .... DO NOT USE THEM.....

Re: Doorknockers
« Reply #25 on: January 29, 2010, 06:45:56 am »
Yes i worked for Danny Worgan and Concept, and there are 2 sides to a story, especially when they both give me back cancellations that when we call them, most of the cancellations turn out not to be so.

A lot of window cleaners come on here trying to be whiter than white when they are'nt, if we were so bad we would'nt still be trading, and would have certainly have been shut down by trading standards or something, Danny and Steve know i have always replaced cancellations, but it is pointless trading with these people when they hit you with 50% Cancellation rates, as opposed to our usual 10-20%!


No they wasn't all cancellations by the customer....a lot of them were cancellations by me because you were not following the brief that was given to you and your team ie, bad access issues,undercharging and even on two occassions a promise to do conservatory roofs in the price of the regular clean.Along with a good percentage of customers who had been signed up who felt they were under pressure to do so of which i managed to save......
I paid you good money to do a good job of which imo your business failed to provide.....
I did receive a refund for some of the cancellations after much drama but this in no way covered the true value of losses,but as i said after chasing for what seemed like eternity..."I GIVE UP"...
I do hope paul bass has managed to sort his team out as i do think the business concept is a good one...take a chance with him you may be happy with his companies services.

paul bass

  • Posts: 15
Re: Doorknockers
« Reply #26 on: January 29, 2010, 03:22:35 pm »
Hello Steve B, or Concept as the Steve B part has been removed,

As i recall we only ever worked for Concept one night! So how the heck can you know me as well as you state??

If your Company had called me in relation to any issues you had with the work, you should have called me back, but i received no such phone call!


paul bass

  • Posts: 15
Re: Doorknockers
« Reply #27 on: January 29, 2010, 03:47:29 pm »
I know Ian from Windowwashers has used you a lot Paul, and you have done OK for him, so maybe it's just me.

Ian told me he still has to get a load of his cancellations back?

Ian and myself spoke before Christmas and told me to hangfire on replacing them until the new year for your information, i have just spoken to ian, and he is fine with the situation, as he could'nt cope with any new work till now, and they have been replaced!

Simon from Concept, just what is your beef with Doorknockers exactly, as so far you have not given a single good reason, why we were so bad for you??


paul bass

  • Posts: 15
Re: Doorknockers
« Reply #28 on: January 29, 2010, 04:05:11 pm »

We always closely follow the brief, it is in our interest to as we absolutely detest any customer cancellations that are unnecessary, we of course refund ones that are deemed proper such as customer losing job, too low a price(Very rare) Customers not lasting the first 2 cleans, Wrong type of job, e.t.c.

We work not for the odd window cleaner, but as many as 5 different ones in a week, and we make sure with each one that we go through criterias, pricing and so on for a good 15-20 mins before we start work so that all the staff are clear in what they are looking for, wether it be WFP or trad.

Canvassing in general has really tightened up in the past year as many people thrown out of work try their hand at it, so getting the criteria right has never been more important to us as it is right now.


Re: Doorknockers
« Reply #29 on: January 29, 2010, 04:37:25 pm »

We always closely follow the brief, it is in our interest to as we absolutely detest any customer cancellations that are unnecessary, we of course refund ones that are deemed proper such as customer losing job, too low a price(Very rare) Customers not lasting the first 2 cleans, Wrong type of job, e.t.c.

We work not for the odd window cleaner, but as many as 5 different ones in a week, and we make sure with each one that we go through criterias, pricing and so on for a good 15-20 mins before we start work so that all the staff are clear in what they are looking for, wether it be WFP or trad.

Canvassing in general has really tightened up in the past year as many people thrown out of work try their hand at it, so getting the criteria right has never been more important to us as it is right now.


As i say i hope that you got things sorted out as imo your business could be beneficial to start up businesses and established businesses who need to add on.
I will not put you down personally and wish you well but i did not appreciate your comments about being whiter than white,that was uncalled for and very unprofessional....still all the best.

paul bass

  • Posts: 15
Re: Doorknockers
« Reply #30 on: January 29, 2010, 05:06:35 pm »
Ok Danny,

Point taken,

Have had to implement a raft of measures since our last visit to you, and hopefully this is borne out by other w/c such as Matt and Paul.

Hope you are getting on well,
