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  • Posts: 4
Urine and child not well
« on: June 19, 2005, 08:51:12 pm »
Hi can anyone help what would you say was the best way to deal with urine on my sofa???

My child Ellena age 4 has got problems with her kidneys and we are waiting for the results from the scan 2 w/k they say to find out whats wrong.  She has been weeing every where whilst being on antibiotics for the last 7 months and has been weeing everywhere she dont know she doing it.  But it smells realy STRONG. Has anyone got any ideas other than buying all new thanks Steve Gevaux


Re: Urine and child not well
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2005, 12:13:25 am »

Contact Mike, the site owner about the urine and if you are unable to find my e'mail  address in the profiles ask Mike for it, as I may be able to help with your daughter's condition.

I am a complementery therapist and would like to make a couple of suggestions .

Your location is probably irrelevent as there are capable practitioners everywhere

bast wishes

r m