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Daria Taylor

our new website
« on: December 15, 2009, 03:46:47 pm »
here's our new site. carpet cleaning one. any feedback will be appreciated.

dash t

P.S don't be too harsh please, i spent few sleepless nights designing it.


  • Posts: 203
Re: our new website
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2009, 04:24:21 pm »
Think it looks great. Sent you a personal message via the site. Phil D


  • Posts: 102
Re: our new website
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2009, 04:26:05 pm »
way too much info mate

Colin Day

Re: our new website
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2009, 04:27:18 pm »
I agree with Phil, it's a cracking looking site.... Good job done!!! :)

Daria Taylor

Re: our new website
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2009, 04:31:45 pm »
Think it looks great. Sent you a personal message via the site. Phil D

thanks i got it, i thought you meant on this forum, silly me.

dash t

Bob Allen

  • Posts: 523
Re: our new website
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2009, 04:38:50 pm »
Good effort but have to agee seems alot of content
might want to swap the pic for a smiling one with you in a work shirt infront of your van .
The before and after shots are a good idea but they need to be more visibly different (if you know what i mean)
just needs abit of tweaking but well done
Bob Allen


  • Posts: 5572
Re: our new website
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2009, 05:02:45 pm »
I agree the picture is not very flattering, sorry, also do not use Mr & Mrs Taylor use Christian names,

In prices you have put minimal pricing £50.00, just put minimum order £50.00

Apart from that a good effort, I don't agree about the content, I have always found that if the content is interesting people will read through, you just have to change it once a month to keep them interested, lots of pictures help.

Pristine Clean

  • Posts: 1149
Re: our new website
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2009, 05:04:10 pm »
It a great site. As for too much information, well that is an opinion that will vary greatly. I dont think you can ever have enough info.

Looks Professional. Did you design and make it or is it a company that did it for you?

By the looks of it you use portables? Is this correct?


"You have to except that some days you are the statue and other days you are a pigeon"

Mike Halliday

  • Posts: 11581
Re: our new website
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2009, 05:08:21 pm »
if I click on a page labeled 'prices' I expect to see prices.

I'd get rid of the picture of Mr Taylor or at least use a picture where he looks decent ( shirt & tie )

I'd make it more personal more good pictures of you and  I'd put an office or home address somewhere.

but apart from that its a nice looking site
Mike Halliday.

Daria Taylor

Re: our new website
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2009, 05:22:44 pm »
thanks everyone for their comments, as regards to the picture someone is working on them now as we speak, should be arriving shortly, of my self and my husband in suit tie etc. I though i will add his picture in for now as is not even on google yet, well it is but not coming up for any search so the chances of customers going on it are very slim.I mainly posted for feedback purposes on website, and didnt release that the picture will pick up so many comments.

as regards to text etc i appreciate your feedback guys like some of you said opinions on that will vary and with this being our second site we found that more txt works better than less.

dash t

Doug Holloway

  • Posts: 3917
Re: our new website
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2009, 05:25:36 pm »
Hi Dash

It looks pleasant and works well BUT it doesnt really sell.

I would cut out some of the waffle and put some bolder, harder hitting statements but thats just a personal opinion.

Some like lots of content.



Daria Taylor

Re: our new website
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2009, 05:26:04 pm »
It a great site. As for too much information, well that is an opinion that will vary greatly. I dont think you can ever have enough info.

Looks Professional. Did you design and make it or is it a company that did it for you?

By the looks of it you use portables? Is this correct?



the design and content of the site is all been done by my self, and yes we do use portable only because it's a new addition to our business (main one is cleaning) and hopefully if we manage to establish good relationship with customers ect we will be looking to invest into something more powerful in the future.

dash t


  • Posts: 3183
Re: our new website
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2009, 05:26:48 pm »
Looks great , put a picture of you on ,,, lol you look better than your hubby !
I clean carpets
I dry Buildings

Daria Taylor

Re: our new website
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2009, 05:29:49 pm »
Hi Dash

It looks pleasant and works well BUT it doesnt really sell.

I would cut out some of the waffle and put some bolder, harder hitting statements but thats just a personal opinion.

Some like lots of content.



any examples? i would much appreciate your help, could you please expand more on term" hard statements"

regards dash t

Daria Taylor

Re: our new website
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2009, 05:33:37 pm »
Looks great , put a picture of you on ,,, lol you look better than your hubby !

Thanks  Jason,

Hope you are doing well,

Now thinking about it should have done, didnt release he will get so much stick over his picture,  ::) but never mind new picture is soon to follow this time i will be on it too.

dash t

Mark Lawrence

  • Posts: 288
Re: our new website
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2009, 05:44:32 pm »
Looks nice, is it a Joomla CMS site where you can add pictures/text yourself etc?



Daria Taylor

Re: our new website
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2009, 05:51:31 pm »
Looks nice, is it a Joomla CMS site where you can add pictures/text yourself etc?



thanks, no it's not never used that, it's a basic template adited to my specification, to be fair only one thing thats lef from origional template is menu. rest been changed and edited many time by my self to a spec i wanted it to be.


Re: our new website
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2009, 05:54:44 pm »
You'll get higher brownie points with Google if you can change the name to (insert town name) carpet cleaning .co .uk build to serve sounds more like an internet supplier than a carpet cleaning business.
Reduce the size of the picture block at the top as it fills my screen without seeing any words below until you scroll down. Remember people can be lazy and the sooner you catch their attention the more they will look.
Cut out the bit about 'blue chip' etc as it contradicts what you are saying when it goes along the wording of the higher the price the better the service.
Slide 2 is too dark
Slide 3 is confusing

There's plenty of text which is good as it gives you more chance of Google etc picking up on the various words, that potential customers will put into a search engine.

Therefore have a re-look at your text and see if anything can be changed so that you get more of the type of words that potential customers might put in, but don't overdo it with such words as carpet and cleaning.

Mark Lawrence

  • Posts: 288
Re: our new website
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2009, 05:57:39 pm »
Looks nice, is it a Joomla CMS site where you can add pictures/text yourself etc?



thanks, no it's not never used that, it's a basic template adited to my specification, to be fair only one thing thats lef from origional template is menu. rest been changed and edited many time by my self to a spec i wanted it to be.

Nice! what programme did you use?



Doug Holloway

  • Posts: 3917
Re: our new website
« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2009, 05:58:38 pm »
Hi Dah

I've looked a bit closer and the Why Choose Us bit is good, it's the waffle in the middle which detracts from it.

I would make that bit the central theme and put the boring bits over to the side or in small writing towards the bottom .

The NCCA quote is not likely to turn on many customersbut does cotain useful seo words.

It's always difficult, many of my sites  needs updating, I have added bits as I go along, mainly for seo and sometimes it can end up a bit of a mishmash. It's a compromise between sales and seo.
