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Daria Taylor

Re: our new website
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2009, 06:08:28 pm »
You'll get higher brownie points with Google if you can change the name to (insert town name) carpet cleaning .co .uk build to serve sounds more like an internet supplier than a carpet cleaning business.
Reduce the size of the picture block at the top as it fills my screen without seeing any words below until you scroll down. Remember people can be lazy and the sooner you catch their attention the more they will look.
Cut out the bit about 'blue chip' etc as it contradicts what you are saying when it goes along the wording of the higher the price the better the service.
Slide 2 is too dark
Slide 3 is confusing

There's plenty of text which is good as it gives you more chance of Google etc picking up on the various words, that potential customers will put into a search engine.

Therefore have a re-look at your text and see if anything can be changed so that you get more of the type of words that potential customers might put in, but don't overdo it with such words as carpet and cleaning.
build2serve is our brand name (it's a cleaning and maintenance company established for over a year now) and as i have mentioned before this is out second site and the reason why it has that name is because is additional devision to our cleaning and maintenance company, same will follow for maintenance and cleaning, so in total there will be 4 sites, one for all of the services one for carpet cleaning one for maintenance and one for cleaning. all of them will have build2serve in the name.but thanks you for your advise anyways.

dash t

Daria Taylor

Re: our new website
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2009, 06:09:14 pm »
Looks nice, is it a Joomla CMS site where you can add pictures/text yourself etc?



thanks, no it's not never used that, it's a basic template adited to my specification, to be fair only one thing thats lef from origional template is menu. rest been changed and edited many time by my self to a spec i wanted it to be.

Nice! what programme did you use?


if you give me your e-mail i will send you a message.

dash t

Pristine Clean

  • Posts: 1149
Re: our new website
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2009, 06:09:59 pm »
Dash you have email from me


"You have to except that some days you are the statue and other days you are a pigeon"

Mark Lawrence

  • Posts: 288
Re: our new website
« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2009, 06:15:18 pm »
Looks nice, is it a Joomla CMS site where you can add pictures/text yourself etc?



thanks, no it's not never used that, it's a basic template adited to my specification, to be fair only one thing thats lef from origional template is menu. rest been changed and edited many time by my self to a spec i wanted it to be.

Nice! what programme did you use?


if you give me your e-mail i will send you a message.

dash t

Thanks Dash, its



  • Posts: 4250
Re: our new website
« Reply #24 on: December 15, 2009, 06:16:48 pm »
The site in itself is okay, maybe a bit long winded but.

The 0808 number will let you down I'll bet.
You seem to cover a large area, what if someone
wants you to come round and quote in say Otley?
That's a fair old round trip for a quote you might not
Your company name does you no good, it doesn't
even hint at carpet cleaning, more a builder.

Impossible done straight away, miracles can take a little longer.

Daria Taylor

Re: our new website
« Reply #25 on: December 15, 2009, 06:25:45 pm »
The site in itself is okay, maybe a bit long winded but.

The 0808 number will let you down I'll bet.
You seem to cover a large area, what if someone
wants you to come round and quote in say Otley?
That's a fair old round trip for a quote you might not
Your company name does you no good, it doesn't
even hint at carpet cleaning, more a builder.


we have covered large area for a year and never had a problem.about the name please read my reply to helen and that explains it, as regards to free number we not had a problem with it yet? why would it let us down because is not 0800?

dash t

Daria Taylor

Re: our new website
« Reply #26 on: December 15, 2009, 06:29:21 pm »

as regards to the third picture, why do you find it confusing? its the actual picture of before and after just how you would expect it to be after builders been in and plastered all walls and ceilings, it was covered in dust ect

dash t

Re: our new website
« Reply #27 on: December 15, 2009, 07:11:32 pm »
as regards to the third picture, why do you find it confusing? its the actual picture of before and after just how you would expect it to be after builders been in and plastered all walls and ceilings, it was covered in dust ect

Don't take this wrong but the picture looks like it was taken from the landing just above some stairs with the lighter picture looking like wallpaper on the wall at the bootm of the staircase.
Best before and after pics have to be taken from exactly the same spot with walls etc to give some depth and focal points. This doesn't.


  • Posts: 4250
Re: our new website
« Reply #28 on: December 15, 2009, 07:16:16 pm »
So how do you go on going out quoting to say Otley,
an 80 mile round trip maybe for nothing.
Nearly 2 hours driving and 2 gallons of juice.

Re the freephone number.
Most people now use their mobile to make phone calls,
indeed some people don't have a landline now.
They get charged for freephone.
People like to see a local number and will be put off
by no local number, especially older people who associate
freephone and mobile numbers on adverts with gypos and the like.
I spend a lot of time in York at my static caravan at the w/ends.
This year I decided to advertise in their local papers for a month
see if I could get more work there and stay longer.
Poor response because, said the papers salesgirl, it's a freephone
and mobile number, the other 2 cc's in there had a local number
and had been advertising with them for a long time and were
getting the responses.
Not knocking you and I can see why you do it but....................


Impossible done straight away, miracles can take a little longer.

Daria Taylor

Re: our new website
« Reply #29 on: December 15, 2009, 07:27:52 pm »
as regards to the third picture, why do you find it confusing? its the actual picture of before and after just how you would expect it to be after builders been in and plastered all walls and ceilings, it was covered in dust ect

Don't take this wrong but the picture looks like it was taken from the landing just above some stairs with the lighter picture looking like wallpaper on the wall at the bootm of the staircase.
Best before and after pics have to be taken from exactly the same spot with walls etc to give some depth and focal points. This doesn't.
i got your point about the picture thanks, if you look close the picture was taken from same angle, my fault for putting it wrong way round when putting them together in photoshop.will look at that later. thanks for advise this is why i posted it for review, so other people can point out my mistakes and dont worry i can take alot of critisism :)

Daria Taylor

Re: our new website
« Reply #30 on: December 15, 2009, 07:37:43 pm »
So how do you go on going out quoting to say Otley,
an 80 mile round trip maybe for nothing.
Nearly 2 hours driving and 2 gallons of juice.

Re the freephone number.
Most people now use their mobile to make phone calls,
indeed some people don't have a landline now.
They get charged for freephone.
People like to see a local number and will be put off
by no local number, especially older people who associate
freephone and mobile numbers on adverts with gypos and the like.
I spend a lot of time in York at my static caravan at the w/ends.
This year I decided to advertise in their local papers for a month
see if I could get more work there and stay longer.
Poor response because, said the papers salesgirl, it's a freephone
and mobile number, the other 2 cc's in there had a local number
and had been advertising with them for a long time and were
getting the responses.
Not knocking you and I can see why you do it but....................


ok i take your point, but i wont go out to quote 1 room in otley, we get alot of work round west and north yorkshire from private landlords as many of them owe properties round there but live down south, we do work for them and on most occasions is a full house job, along with end of tenancy cleaning. as regards to local number, i no longer believe in it, we did survey among our customers and most of them dont care at all, we get loads of phone calls from mobile to mobile and internet has taken over the best part of the business. the reason for 0808 number is purely for commercial customers, as we are expanding our cleaning devision and will be marketing widely office cleaning after christmas, and before you aks how i will clean offices in leeds and otley from doncaster, we have staff who deal with regular cleans in those areas and now we are looking to take on more work in commercial sector to keep them in work i.e give them full time hours instead of part time

dash t


  • Posts: 4250
Re: our new website
« Reply #31 on: December 15, 2009, 08:51:06 pm »
Daria you have mail.

Impossible done straight away, miracles can take a little longer.