st marys
I think we need to see another "Hitler" parody with DMSI in the title role planning his invasion of the Scilly Isles.
Poring over a map of the Scilly Isles, monocle in his right eye and Field Marshal's baton in his left hand) "Ve vill attack from ze north and sweep through zer beaches on St. Mary's!"
Unteroffizier Klump: (
Jumping to attention and clicking his heels together) "Jawohl mein fuhrer ... and then shall I send zer crack SL-X squad to vinkle out ze oppozishun on zer smaller islands?"
DMSL: (Pushing back his officers cap with his baton and letting his monocle fall out) "Nein, nein, dumkopf! Zey are zo small dat ve vill send der messerschmidt bakpak teams and take zem out ven zey are sleeping!"
Unteroffizier Klump:([ (
Bowing obsequiously, squeezing his gloves together tightly as sweat beads appearing on his brow) "Donner und Blitzen! You are a genious Herr Feld Marschal fuhrer!"
Buffing his fingernails on his military uniform lapels) "Ach, mein leibchen, I know, I know ..."
Scene cuts to a picture of DMSL who is looking out to sea through field-glasses standing on a promontory at Land's End in a gargantuan open topped Mercedes-Benz staff car. The sound of "Flight of the Valkyries" plays in the background as the sun sets behind the Scilly Isles in the distance ...
Flights of Me 109's escorting Junkers 52 transport aircraft equipped with parachuting wfp'ers soar overhead towards the unsuspecting islanders who unknowingly have had their last traditional clean ...