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Re: health & safety in the forest of dean
« Reply #20 on: December 07, 2009, 05:42:39 pm »
That ladder is well off the 1:4 ratio too.  I've just tried to measure it with my ruler and I reckon the top of the ladder should be around where the window cleaner's shoulder is; but obviously it's not long enough to do that; hence the dodgy angle.

I don't think I know this window cleaner, Mike, does he do any work that you know of round the Chepstow area?  He isn't the miserable sod in a beat up Mondeo who spends an-hour-per-window and also does gardening is he?

Murdie window cleaning

  • Posts: 654
Re: health & safety in the forest of dean
« Reply #21 on: December 07, 2009, 06:09:00 pm »
Looks to me as though the ladders are he wrong way round ???

elite mike

Re: health & safety in the forest of dean
« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2009, 07:25:39 am »
That ladder is well off the 1:4 ratio too.  I've just tried to measure it with my ruler and I reckon the top of the ladder should be around where the window cleaner's shoulder is; but obviously it's not long enough to do that; hence the dodgy angle.

I don't think I know this window cleaner, Mike, does he do any work that you know of round the Chepstow area?  He isn't the miserable sod in a beat up Mondeo who spends an-hour-per-window and also does gardening is he?

yes tosh, also sells xmas trees ;D ;D ;D ;D


Re: health & safety in the forest of dean
« Reply #23 on: December 08, 2009, 07:38:10 am »
That ladder is well off the 1:4 ratio too.  I've just tried to measure it with my ruler and I reckon the top of the ladder should be around where the window cleaner's shoulder is; but obviously it's not long enough to do that; hence the dodgy angle.

I don't think I know this window cleaner, Mike, does he do any work that you know of round the Chepstow area?  He isn't the miserable sod in a beat up Mondeo who spends an-hour-per-window and also does gardening is he?

yes tosh, also sells xmas trees ;D ;D ;D ;D

Mike, he's one of the few window cleaners I avoid; he's a miserable git.  He told me he cleans customer's windows as if they were his own.  I said I do too.  I go as quick as I can and do shoddy job at home also!

I've also watched him clean a window over a pitched roof before and he didn't look safe and he's to old to 'bounce'; but what struck me was the utter meticulous way he cleans them.  He's there for ages on each window; it looks like torture he's that anal and laborious.

I take it the xmas trees this guy sells are found in the Forest of Dean and hacked down at the dead of night using a kitchen knife?