It's been a long time since I went topless, in fact the closest I ever got to working without a top while window cleaning was to have a sport vest on, got decent arms, chest & shoulders, but would never unleash my belly on an unsuspecting public
Talking of unleashing bits on an unsuspecting public; During one summer a lad who was working for me at the time had his shorts on, was cleaning an awkward window, I actually had to hold the bottom of the ladder at waist height whilst he climbed up it, then he had to clamber over a ledge to get at the window.
The customer was standing by my side as we watched him work (she was working in the garden) amusement followed as he got himself into a tangle trying to get back onto the ladder, then there came a point where I don't know who's face was the redder, the customer or Pete's, his shorts were rather baggy and at one stage everything was on show, customer was made of tough stuff though, she didn't even flinch.....or take her eyes off him for even a nano-second
Ian.....who now has his top off and is going to lie in his hammock listening to an album on his nice, shiny new Nokia 6630