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  • Posts: 2558
« on: November 30, 2009, 05:50:20 pm »
The link you asked for

I had a system fitted nearly 4 years ago. 600l single operator 2k all in.

Tank is custom made and is constructed of 10mm polypropylene and bolted through chasis. Reel supplied is a hannay reel- similar to cox reel.

There are plenty of pictures of systems on site and they do a hot system from £1650 for 1 man unit.

Prices quoted on site include RO sytem on the van so you would need to knock off about 2k from these as you fill from a static.


  • Posts: 2558
Re: windowwashers
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2009, 07:16:22 pm »
Just in case you missed it.

Re: windowwashers
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2009, 07:31:18 pm »
looks good.

I wish there was more general info about vans and systems eg scudos systems to 500l, vivaro 600, transit 800, vw 600 etc.
In other words the best suited system to which van etc.When people talk about a wc magazinw this is sort of thing that a feature article should cover.Pity there isn't any mag that would carry this info.


  • Posts: 2558
Re: windowwashers
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2009, 08:54:48 pm »
Best way to find out is to give guy a call. Made any decision on your new van yet? Personally I would not want 3 men working from 1 van but I am just a sole trader.

As a rule of thumb I subtract 300 from payload capacity for a 1 man cold set-up to calculate how many litres I can carry. You have to take more off for hot water system and passengers plus any extra equipment.

Re: windowwashers
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2009, 10:47:02 pm »
I'm a sole trader too.Everyone on this forum is apart from ltd's and partnerships.That doesn't mean i can't employ.

Sole trader doesn't mean you work on your own, it just sounds like it should mean that, i notice a few on here repeat this (ewan).

As for three people and one van, i'm trying to grow and think this a better transition.I can't cover two vans, i haven't the work.When I took a guy on we quickly ran out of work, and another van would give me two vans and two days work a week each.So I want to increase my capacity again but not leave myself overstretched.One or both guys might leave etc so this is a better- but more expensive option (fiat ducato 11k+ vat plus system) whilst junking a perfectly good 36k scudo with a diy set up.

Window Washers

  • Posts: 9036
Re: windowwashers
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2009, 07:26:27 am »
I'm a sole trader too.Everyone on this forum is apart from ltd's and partnerships.That doesn't mean i can't employ.

Sole trader doesn't mean you work on your own, it just sounds like it should mean that, i notice a few on here repeat this (ewan).

As for three people and one van, i'm trying to grow and think this a better transition.I can't cover two vans, i haven't the work.When I took a guy on we quickly ran out of work, and another van would give me two vans and two days work a week each.So I want to increase my capacity again but not leave myself overstretched.One or both guys might leave etc so this is a better- but more expensive option (fiat ducato 11k+ vat plus system) whilst junking a perfectly good 36k scudo with a diy set up.

With respect slumpbuster if you know what you are doing you will go ltd and not be a sole trader with staff for any real length of time.

Do you think the Government care? I won’t explain any further you will have to work it out.

Could you Please explain why this is  Ewan apart from the limited liability part  :-\
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