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  • Posts: 25118
Re: fairly new to forum - should i join the guild?
« Reply #100 on: December 02, 2009, 11:42:16 am »
It's a game of three halves!


  • Posts: 519
Re: fairly new to forum - should i join the guild?
« Reply #101 on: December 02, 2009, 11:51:31 am »
This thread has become completely pointless.

I was not aware that the fwc and the guild were in a competition for the hearts and minds of window cleaners.

Neither has achieved sufficiently to cliam to be anything particularly marvelous for window cleaners in general. If both ceased to exist as of this second, would it damage your business in any way?

Join 1, join both, join the local library does anyone really care?

Blue house for me as well :D

Nathanael Jones

  • Posts: 5596
Re: fairly new to forum - should i join the guild?
« Reply #102 on: December 02, 2009, 02:25:38 pm »
You're right Ewan,.. The Guild and FWC aren't in the same league & don't have the same aims, so comparisons between them are a bit pointless.

One good thing has come from this thread,.. we're taking onboard Daves suggestions and have contacted the HSE to see how best to proceed in more actively promoting safety to our members. Even if we begin with just distributing HSE booklets about work at height & ladders etc its a step in the right direction.


Re: fairly new to forum - should i join the guild?
« Reply #103 on: December 02, 2009, 03:06:41 pm »
FWC has 10 times more member than the Guild. The membership income from those is 50 times that of the Guild. Just based on that alone I don’t think you can compare the two.

The Guild needs to find its own purpose rather than compete with the FWC in any way, maybe do things that the FWC doesn’t do!

I think you should increase your membership to at least £3 a month I might consider joining then Nathanael.

To the person who started this thread, joining the Guild isn’t a bad idea if you are just starting your window cleaning the chances are you will be cleaning “residential mostly” (Idea for you there Nat) and the Guild is perfectly suitable for that market. (Read the law regarding window cleaners Nat). So for £20 a year (which in my opinion should be £36) you can direct any potential customers to the MGWC website to give then an independent reference about you.  ;D
But The BRITISH WINDOW CLEANING ACADAMEY  has more members than both put together


Re: fairly new to forum - should i join the guild?
« Reply #104 on: December 02, 2009, 03:08:37 pm »
But The BRITISH WINDOW CLEANING ACADAMEY  has more members than both put together. Sill going to join the Guild.


Re: fairly new to forum - should i join the guild?
« Reply #105 on: December 02, 2009, 04:59:06 pm »
Why do you say that? The fact is i have brought cheaper equipment and its turned out to be crap, and does not last as long. Let me guess your an Ionics Knocker.  The answer to your question is yes i do buy Ionics equipment and I'm very happy with it.


Re: fairly new to forum - should i join the guild?
« Reply #106 on: December 02, 2009, 06:51:22 pm »
But The BRITISH WINDOW CLEANING ACADAMEY  has more members than both put together. Sill going to join the Guild.

I think Craig mawlam is on the board of the FWC because of the BWCA.  I don’t think it is the other way round.

Let me guess you buy a lot of Ionic’s equipment, even though they don’t make all the best window cleaning products, you would still buy there's because……… the BWCA course he went on told him they were the best

do i get a prize  ;D


Re: fairly new to forum - should i join the guild?
« Reply #107 on: December 02, 2009, 07:19:40 pm »
No lol ;)


  • Posts: 6180
Re: fairly new to forum - should i join the guild?
« Reply #108 on: December 02, 2009, 07:27:20 pm »
havent been on here long and dont know if i should join the guild, what do you current guild members say?

There is not much point joining , i have recieved a sticker, and thats it. had nothing else.

despite being told on numerous occasions that i have recieved info packs etc, the fact is ...

i got a sticker.

So its up to you really , there seems to be a few people saying its good, but they are either.... pally pally... or have actually  benefitted from it.

my opinion !



  • Posts: 806
Re: fairly new to forum - should i join the guild?
« Reply #110 on: December 02, 2009, 09:00:29 pm »
I've followed this thread with varying degrees of amusement and incredulity (sp).

I'm a new cleaner (started April) and I'm a member of the Guild. I don't wish to sound like an apologetic alcoholic - I joined because when I was doing my business set-up research it came across as a reputable organisation representing reputable window cleaners, it was a reasonable price to join, I believed I could justify my membership with my aims in service delivery and - most of all - I thought that if the sticker got me 1 job it was worth the price. Note that here in the UK I found the Guild's website, so it is visible.

I obviously also came across the Fed. I'm not a member of the Fed - why?

Well, to be honest I looked at their website and it looked rubbish, I means, really poor design wise. Their online shop was pants. I figured that if they can't be bothered to spend their members' subs on a descent public image then why pay their much higher subs just for the sticker. And heh, a sticker is a sticker. That's before a friend of mine - also a newbie - joined the Fed. He's still wondering what he got for his money...

Having done some training in Swindon i'm a member of the BWCA and feel that they are a credible (if Ionics heavy) choice too.

Since then i've had much support from Nat at the Guild and one or two other guys, with questions I had. I still don't regret not joining the Fed and maybe I will one day, if they'll have me after this. I'm sorry if dome of the personalities on here are commitee members of the Fed - it's not personal, just an observation from someone with no baggage. Take it in the spirit it's meant, please.

The upshot is, if my potential custies Google window cleaning I feel they are more likely to contact me via the Guild or BWCA that a listing on the Fed website. Like everything it's a business decision. To answer the guy who started the thread - yes, join the Guild. Nat and others will offer good advice, they are active on your behalf (even if it IS still in its infancy) and the stickers are good.


Re: fairly new to forum - should i join the guild?
« Reply #111 on: December 02, 2009, 11:06:25 pm »
the FWC is still stuck in the old days, it has a committee who are from that era where the window cleaner climbed up and down a ladder all day

Moderator David@stives

  • Posts: 8829
Re: fairly new to forum - should i join the guild?
« Reply #112 on: December 02, 2009, 11:12:34 pm »

Times are a changing.

Some good guys on the FWC committee, in fact they are all down to earth guys, wish you could meet them

Re: fairly new to forum - should i join the guild?
« Reply #113 on: December 02, 2009, 11:17:57 pm »
do they ever try to encourage people to join?


Re: fairly new to forum - should i join the guild?
« Reply #114 on: December 02, 2009, 11:18:49 pm »

Times are a changing.

Some good guys on the FWC committee, in fact they are all down to earth guys, wish you could meet them

didnt a few try and change it a few years back and were out voted by the old guard ? ?  ?

are these " times a changing lot" the same people as before, or are they new

i take your word for it though dave, as you have met them

havent seen Tweedledee tonight, have you ? ? ?

Moderator David@stives

  • Posts: 8829
Re: fairly new to forum - should i join the guild?
« Reply #115 on: December 02, 2009, 11:26:16 pm »
no not seen him, under the thumb i think.

Long time has passed now with the FWC, they have had a bad patch, but coming on strong now, they have got a bit of new blood.

Trouble with the old new guys who got muscled out was they were mostly forum trolls who found a seat on the board and were soon found to be out of there depth.

You need dedication and commitment, most of them would of quit by now even if they would have changed things.

I have learnt a lot on my committee trials, seen it all, nothing about human nature suprises me anymore.


Re: fairly new to forum - should i join the guild?
« Reply #116 on: December 03, 2009, 08:33:26 am »
But it still doesn't get away from the fact that FWC RUBBISHED WATER FED POLES. Ewan sorry mate i was on a Health Safety course last week were its stated as fact the BWCA has the most members and has now got more clout than the the old guard at the FWC.Thats why i joined. As for Ionics equipment i think its a matter of opinion, like i said earlier i brought other equipment from more than one supplier it was just not up to it. I now only buy my WFP related products from Ionics. I hope you go to the cleaning show, take look at Ionics new poles that will be lunched at the show.


  • Posts: 1071
Re: fairly new to forum - should i join the guild?
« Reply #117 on: December 03, 2009, 08:58:25 am »
 None will get you 25% off a new van or the same off of a new pole pole so i personally would join the one that gives value for money and readily available help and advice from its members. Imo opinion that seems to be The Guild.


Re: fairly new to forum - should i join the guild?
« Reply #118 on: December 03, 2009, 10:02:06 am »
Yes mate they are showing a lot of new stuff (two new poles I think?). Totally agree with you about aluminum and such like. I have a pro 6 fitted into my Van so I produce my own water in the van overnight, at the moment it suits me. Static systems for me would be something for the future as the business grows.  Yes you are totally right the BWCA is Ionics but what attracted me was the way it is all presented, the training center is very good and the quality of training is very good to.  I have been on several causes now and on my last course I was talking to a fellow window cleaner who had brought a system from one of Ionics competitors who said to me there is now way he would pay the price at the time, he said to me it was the worst business decision he has made as the system he has it totally unreliable, goes through resin at a horrifying rate and was only £1,800 cheaper than a pro 5.  Ionics obviously saw an opportunity to sell systems and train operatives to use wfp safely and also offer city in guilds and nvq's which I am not sure if the fwc can offer. I went to quote a commercial property and when they saw my bwca logo on the side of my van a comment was passed.  Blimey window cleaners going back to school.


Re: fairly new to forum - should i join the guild?
« Reply #119 on: December 03, 2009, 10:33:14 am »
Yes mate they are showing a lot of new stuff (two new poles I think?). Totally agree with you about aluminum and such like. I have a pro 6 fitted into my Van so I produce my own water in the van overnight, at the moment it suits me. Static systems for me would be something for the future as the business grows.  Yes you are totally right the BWCA is Ionics but what attracted me was the way it is all presented, the training center is very good and the quality of training is very good to.  I have been on several causes now and on my last course I was talking to a fellow window cleaner who had brought a system from one of Ionics competitors who said to me there is now way he would pay the price at the time, he said to me it was the worst business decision he has made as the system he has it totally unreliable, goes through resin at a horrifying rate and was only £1,800 cheaper than a pro 5.  Ionics obviously saw an opportunity to sell systems and train operatives to use wfp safely and also offer city in guilds and nvq's which I am not sure if the fwc can offer. I went to quote a commercial property and when they saw my bwca logo on the side of my van a comment was passed.  Blimey window cleaners going back to school.

Steve please dont take this the wrong way, its not a insult

you have been sold the ironics brand name, you mention you have been on a few BWCA courses, these courses are partly a sales pitch, yes you learn stuff, buts its ever so slanted to ironics, thus is becomes a brand you want, people feel safe with a brand they know, look at the sony PS3, the first year it came out it was rubbish, rubbish games and most knew it, it still sold well, why ? ? ? because people owned the PS2 and it felt safe

the complete method of cleaning windows is not hard

look at the parts

A VAN -- aslong as it will take the load, any van will do
A TANK -- most come from the same manufacturer anyway ( choose you size )
A PUMP -- also from 2 pump makers, sureflow and flowjet
RO UNIT -- a ro is a ro, it rejects the solids and gives you pure water, some have a slightly better rejection rate, but its nothing out of this world
HOSE -- loads of options
POLE -- likewise, its a personal choice
BRUSH -- see above

i am sure you are very happy with ironics, but we have many many options that are equal if not better than the gear they make

you mentioned your mate, he goes though resin quickly, does he have a RO system, is he flushing it often enough, does the filters need replacing, as for saving £1,800, when he has found the problem ( any of the above, he might just be using DI in a hard water, solution : get a RO unit ) that £1,800 will go a long long way