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david thomas

  • Posts: 257
1 van or 2 van set up
« on: November 22, 2009, 01:13:23 pm »
One van 2 man set up or 2 vans 1 man in each van. Read on here past threads that 2 man 1 van 40% gross profit
1 van each 60% gross profit do you think this is about right

Window Washers

  • Posts: 9036
Re: 1 van or 2 van set up
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2009, 01:54:43 pm »
One van 2 man set up or 2 vans 1 man in each van. Read on here past threads that 2 man 1 van 40% gross profit
1 van each 60% gross profit do you think this is about right
you will always get more output with 2 seperate vans, many dont because of the extra costs involved in doing so, but if you need alot of footing work ect then 1 van with 2,
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