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Re: Am i speaking a foreign language?
« Reply #20 on: November 21, 2009, 04:32:34 pm »
I could do with some of those german words, as one of my commercial customers pays via there accounts  department in Germany  ??? ::) :'(
and not very quickly

Das Geld ist zu langsam.  Geben Sie es mir jetzt oder ich will Ihr Kopf zerbrechen.

On second thoughts - better not.  You'll end up getting done for demanding money with menaces  :)

South Coast Cleaning Services

  • Posts: 237
Re: Am i speaking a foreign language?
« Reply #21 on: November 21, 2009, 04:38:52 pm »
I could do with some of those german words, as one of my commercial customers pays via there accounts  department in Germany  ??? ::) :'(
and not very quickly

Das Geld ist zu langsam.  Geben Sie es mir jetzt oder ich will Ihr Kopf zerbrechen.

On second thoughts - better not.  You'll end up getting done for demanding money with menaces  :)

The money is too slow. Give it to me now or I will break your head.

Re: Am i speaking a foreign language?
« Reply #22 on: November 21, 2009, 05:13:58 pm »
I could do with some of those german words, as one of my commercial customers pays via there accounts  department in Germany  ??? ::) :'(
and not very quickly

Das Geld ist zu langsam.  Geben Sie es mir jetzt oder ich will Ihr Kopf zerbrechen.

On second thoughts - better not.  You'll end up getting done for demanding money with menaces  :)

The money is too slow. Give it to me now or I will break your head.

Well I was going by memory (well over 30 years since I was at school) but I got a bit wrong there.  I think maybe it should have been werde instead of will.


  • Posts: 5855
Re: Am i speaking a foreign language?
« Reply #23 on: November 21, 2009, 05:20:24 pm »
zahlen oder ich, Extra deine Frau, was ich sehe durch die Fenster  ;D ;D

(pay up or I spill the beans to your wife to what I see through your windows)


Re: Am i speaking a foreign language?
« Reply #24 on: November 21, 2009, 05:41:33 pm »
Sennelager is one of our best areas. ;)

No way!  Sennelager is probably one of the worst lagers in the World.  I had one of my two (now both missing) front teeth kicked out there (Geordies bar); its a rotten place!


Re: Am i speaking a foreign language?
« Reply #25 on: November 21, 2009, 06:15:30 pm »
Think that bar is closed Tosh, I'll look tomorrow when I'm there. The houses there are all easy one pane windows. Rodney houses are all compact too. Easy meat  ;)


Re: Am i speaking a foreign language?
« Reply #26 on: November 21, 2009, 06:24:35 pm »
Think that bar is closed Tosh, I'll look tomorrow when I'm there. The houses there are all easy one pane windows. Rodney houses are all compact too. Easy meat  ;)

It closed down years ago; it was almost directly opposite Sennelagers main training camp gates.


Re: Am i speaking a foreign language?
« Reply #27 on: November 21, 2009, 08:16:29 pm »
They have been talking about that since 1992 mate, it would effect about 40% of my WC work if they all pushed off. Nothing happens that fast mate. 1 Div are here in Herford and I do areas as far away as Paderborn and Gütersloh about 40 miles away.

If I knew that the Army would be gone in about 4 years, that's plenty of time to replace them  as custies and expand the carpet cleaning side. So, no panic stations just yet. ;)