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  • Posts: 481
Re: Sales pitch at the door
« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2009, 12:42:37 pm »
i just go with flyer in hand and offer it towards them and say 'hello sorry to bother you im just canvassing for window cleaning in the area? would you be interested?' short and simple, then just work from their reply :)
JRD Easi Reach
'The Ladderless Window Cleaning System'


Re: Sales pitch at the door
« Reply #21 on: November 12, 2009, 01:30:51 pm »
Hi Matt. You could always practice what you say at the door before you go out to knock. Just keep saying your intro over and over in your head. It will come out automaticaly when the custy opens the door then. Worked for me.

The harder you work, the luckier you get. ;)

A scene in the life of cozy canvassing...

Knock Knock

Lady of the house: (LotH) Hello?

Cozy: (Grinning madly) Joowantme?

LotH: Ai beg your pardon young man?

Cozy: Joowantme missus? I know you do! Eh? Eh?

LotH: How often do you come?

Cozy: How often joowant me to? As often as you like lady!

LotH: You can start right now! How much do you charge?

Cozy: 12 euro's a time missus.

LotH: OOH lovely! Would you like a cup of tea?

Cozy: Yes please.

So she gave him one.

And that dear readers is how it's done!  ;D

You been followin me ? Eh? Eh? 8) ;D

Sapphire Window Cleaning

  • Posts: 2942
Re: Sales pitch at the door
« Reply #22 on: November 12, 2009, 01:31:34 pm »
Hi Matt, You are probably out now and I hope its going well for you.
I was going to post a serious response but how can you after the last contribution, brilliant!
I always look at canvassing as a numbers game, which has been said, the more doors you knock the more customers you will find.
You are a professional, your posts prove that and there is no way you should be quaking on the doorstep.  You are offering them the opportunity to partake of your professional service. The worst that can happen is that they say ' no thanks', in that case thank them politely and move on to the next opportunity.
Every door is an opportunity.
I went out the other day, I have a little boy of 15 months and we share the looking after of him.
So out we went for one hour and did a whole estate, result a couple of possibilities. I knocked every door and if they were in just gave the wording as already on here ' Hi my name is Chris from Combat Cleaning, do you have a window cleaner at the moment? if not I just gave a short precis of my service. If they were out I left a leaflet.
Anyhow the next day I got a call from one of the leaflets: in and out on the first clean and then monthly after.
Thats £130 for my one hours work! initial clean and 11 others in the year.
Try to see every new customer as 12 or 6 times the price depending on monthly or bi monthly cleans.
You are motivated, we know that because you have set a goal, 300 by crimbo so as Nike says ' just do it'
It gets better with practice and as the results come in your income grows so just see each 'no thankyou as a step nearer to an acceptance, the next house could be another towards your goal.
I think you are in Hinckley, my  inlaws live in Stoney Stanton so ' up the knitters!'
All the best.

Small world, I have just moved from Stoney Stanton to Essex lol

Reaching parts traditional window cleaners can not reach.


  • Posts: 893
Re: Sales pitch at the door
« Reply #23 on: November 12, 2009, 03:42:20 pm »
Yes, I looked at yourt profile after posting and thought I'd got it wrong.
Were you kidding me about living In Stanton?
How did today go? Its pouring here with driving rain forecast for my busiest day tomorrow!

Ian Lancaster

  • Posts: 2811
Re: Sales pitch at the door
« Reply #24 on: November 12, 2009, 07:47:22 pm »
I went on a free course recently, organised by the local council :o

Amongst the 99% of useless stuff was this gem:

'The Elevator Pitch'

The idea is you get into an elevator (lift, if you prefer ::) - most of these ideas seem to come from the States) with a person whom you know to be the one you need to impress with your idea/sales pitch or whatever.  You have maybe 20 seconds before he reaches his floor to get your message across so that when he gets out of the lift you give him your card and he will be interested enough to call you.

What are you going to say?

This scenario is the same as the prospective custy opening the door - 20 seconds is about as much as you've got before he/she loses interest and shuts the door.

To 'soften up' the situation, I always leaflet before I knock. 

I came up with:


My name is XXXX of Ian Lancaster Window Cleaner.  We put one of these leaflets in your door a few days ago.

Our method cleans everything: frames, sills, doors, plastic panels and even conservatory gutters all as part of our standard service.  It keeps your windows looking like new and probably for a lot less than you might expect.

Can I give you a quote? It only takes a couple of minutes and it’s a professional written quotation so you can see exactly why our service is such good value for money.

Let's see what some of you would say


  • Posts: 309
Re: Sales pitch at the door
« Reply #25 on: November 12, 2009, 07:53:13 pm »
Anyway hope this helps you  and good luck for tomorrow, i'm off out "knocking" aswell so we'll have to have a tally up tomorrow night!

I'll join in, gives a little extra motivation to keep going. But honest answers only ;D

Virtual pint for the winner ;D

Ok then guys, my results for the day are as follows : 6 new custies and 11 quotes given out and 300+ leaflets posted through doors of people who were not in. Think it helped that we were bathed in sunshine all day! :-)

Shall we say the tally is to take place at 9pm? lol

I'll be finished by 4.30 as I won't  knock in the dark, but I'll happily wait until 9pm for your results! lol


Murdie window cleaning

  • Posts: 654
Re: Sales pitch at the door
« Reply #26 on: November 12, 2009, 08:03:24 pm »
Anyway hope this helps you  and good luck for tomorrow, i'm off out "knocking" aswell so we'll have to have a tally up tomorrow night!

I'll join in, gives a little extra motivation to keep going. But honest answers only ;D

Virtual pint for the winner ;D

Ok then guys, my results for the day are as follows : 6 new custies and 11 quotes given out and 300+ leaflets posted through doors of people who were not in. Think it helped that we were bathed in sunshine all day! :-)

Shall we say the tally is to take place at 9pm? lol

I'll be finished by 4.30 as I won't  knock in the dark, but I'll happily wait until 9pm for your results! lol


Well that's interesting, we could possibly have a draw, unless Matt has blown us away. Also 6 new custies gained and several others quoted for. Happy with that I've gained 26 new custies in little more than a week. I'll just say yesterdays zero was a minor blip ;D


  • Posts: 1736
Re: Sales pitch at the door
« Reply #27 on: November 12, 2009, 08:12:19 pm »
I got 6 tonight as well,bloody peeing it down though,nearly called it a day,then next to last house on street i got for £20 every other month,well worth getting soaked ;D

Murdie window cleaning

  • Posts: 654
Re: Sales pitch at the door
« Reply #28 on: November 12, 2009, 08:18:19 pm »
I got 6 tonight as well,bloody peeing it down though,nearly called it a day,then next to last house on street i got for £20 every other month,well worth getting soaked ;D

I called it a day at 5pm as it was pelting down here as well, I had intended doing another street, but I was soaked through, trousers sticking to my legs, hair dripping so I came home got dry and warm. There's always tomorow to do that other street. 

Murdie window cleaning

  • Posts: 654
Re: Sales pitch at the door
« Reply #29 on: November 12, 2009, 09:24:43 pm »
C'mon Matt, you must have done well are you still totaling up all your new custies ;D


  • Posts: 463
Re: Sales pitch at the door
« Reply #30 on: November 12, 2009, 10:37:22 pm »
Do you guys find that you still pick up custys when canvassing in the rain?

I haven't been canvassing in the rain before as I thought this would put custys off...


Re: Sales pitch at the door
« Reply #31 on: November 12, 2009, 11:40:30 pm »
I went on a free course recently, organised by the local council :o

Amongst the 99% of useless stuff was this gem:

'The Elevator Pitch'

The idea is you get into an elevator (lift, if you prefer ::) - most of these ideas seem to come from the States) with a person whom you know to be the one you need to impress with your idea/sales pitch or whatever.  You have maybe 20 seconds before he reaches his floor to get your message across so that when he gets out of the lift you give him your card and he will be interested enough to call you.

What are you going to say?

This scenario is the same as the prospective custy opening the door - 20 seconds is about as much as you've got before he/she loses interest and shuts the door.

To 'soften up' the situation, I always leaflet before I knock. 

I came up with:


My name is XXXX of Ian Lancaster Window Cleaner.  We put one of these leaflets in your door a few days ago.

Our method cleans everything: frames, sills, doors, plastic panels and even conservatory gutters all as part of our standard service.  It keeps your windows looking like new and probably for a lot less than you might expect.

Can I give you a quote? It only takes a couple of minutes and it’s a professional written quotation so you can see exactly why our service is such good value for money.

Let's see what some of you would say

Ian, I think that is top notch.  What does it say on your written quote?

Murdie window cleaning

  • Posts: 654
Re: Sales pitch at the door
« Reply #32 on: November 13, 2009, 06:58:34 am »
Do you guys find that you still pick up custys when canvassing in the rain?

I haven't been canvassing in the rain before as I thought this would put custys off...

Yes, they either want there windows cleaned or they don't, also they see that your serious about gaining work as the easy thing to do would be to go home at the first sign of rain.


  • Posts: 66
Re: Sales pitch at the door
« Reply #33 on: November 13, 2009, 08:23:10 am »
What sales pitch does everyone use when knocking doors?
I ask this as I am going out tomorrow afternoon and evening knocking doors, I am not gaining enough work quick enough through my leaflet dropping.
I am looking at trying to gain 300 customers by Christmas, I am currently on 62 customers.

Hey Matt,
The WCW backpack still going well then? I am on about 60 Customers too and love challenge of knocking on doors. It may be a wee bit easier up here as you can always go with the,
 " I'm a window cleaner licenced with the City Council"
That usually gets some interest. You have always got the whole green thing about Pure Water too.

Good luck.
Your skin's waterproof so get out there and work!!

Murdie window cleaning

  • Posts: 654
Re: Sales pitch at the door
« Reply #34 on: November 13, 2009, 08:40:10 am »
What sales pitch does everyone use when knocking doors?
I ask this as I am going out tomorrow afternoon and evening knocking doors, I am not gaining enough work quick enough through my leaflet dropping.
I am looking at trying to gain 300 customers by Christmas, I am currently on 62 customers.

Hey Matt,
The WCW backpack still going well then? I am on about 60 Customers too and love challenge of knocking on doors. It may be a wee bit easier up here as you can always go with the,
 " I'm a window cleaner licenced with the City Council"
That usually gets some interest. You have always got the whole green thing about Pure Water too.

Good luck.

Johnny, I don't think you can claim pure water is a "Greener" alternative than trad. If you use an RO there is a lot of waste water, then take into acount the manufacture of all the resin, the power used to charge the battery and all the extra equipment that you need to be wfp. So a mop, squeegie and a splash of fairy I would guess has a lower carbon footprint


  • Posts: 66
Re: Sales pitch at the door
« Reply #35 on: November 13, 2009, 08:49:16 am »
What sales pitch does everyone use when knocking doors?
I ask this as I am going out tomorrow afternoon and evening knocking doors, I am not gaining enough work quick enough through my leaflet dropping.
I am looking at trying to gain 300 customers by Christmas, I am currently on 62 customers.



No RO here mate, Water at 30ppm so resin lasting a long time, Pure water just going straight back into drains and therefore straight back into the watercourse. No soap and no chems.
How about going down the Health and safety side?

Hey Matt,
The WCW backpack still going well then? I am on about 60 Customers too and love challenge of knocking on doors. It may be a wee bit easier up here as you can always go with the,
 " I'm a window cleaner licenced with the City Council"
That usually gets some interest. You have always got the whole green thing about Pure Water too.

Good luck.

Johnny, I don't think you can claim pure water is a "Greener" alternative than trad. If you use an RO there is a lot of waste water, then take into acount the manufacture of all the resin, the power used to charge the battery and all the extra equipment that you need to be wfp. So a mop, squeegie and a splash of fairy I would guess has a lower carbon footprint
Your skin's waterproof so get out there and work!!


  • Posts: 3120
Re: Sales pitch at the door
« Reply #36 on: November 13, 2009, 10:56:16 am »
goodluck matt

was wondering how it was going.

I did a leaflet drop a few thousand 3 new custy's :'(

IAN LANCASTER: great post
any chance of email on what your statinary looks like i.e quote form.

many thanks for your replies in past i will act upon in spring.

santa's bringing me a pair for xmas ;D.

let us know how you go matt.
Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.     - Aristotle


  • Posts: 309
Re: Sales pitch at the door
« Reply #37 on: November 13, 2009, 11:46:45 am »
Still no reply from Matt, I think he may have been abducted by a  Window Cleaner who was "eyeballing" him, as he was on his patch ;D

Ian Lancaster

  • Posts: 2811
Re: Sales pitch at the door
« Reply #38 on: November 13, 2009, 12:43:18 pm »
Ian, I think that is top notch.  What does it say on your written quote?

It's three A5 sheets stapled together.  The top one is the quote, it has my logo and contact details same as all my stationery and below are spaces for the job address, customer name and job price.  It also says: 'Quotations do not include conservatory roofs unless specified' - we've been caught that way more than once ;)

The second sheet is our Guarantee, including the Rain Guarantee - usual sort of thing: any probs please ring and we will return and rectify.

The third sheet is a description of WFP and how and why it works.

We had several thousand printed a few years ago - should keep us going for a while ;D

Forgot to mention: Very Important - we have our Terms and Conditions printed on the back of the Quote Form

Ian Lancaster

  • Posts: 2811
Re: Sales pitch at the door
« Reply #39 on: November 13, 2009, 01:04:52 pm »
Hi Lee,

Here is my leaflet and quote form