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  • Posts: 654
who cleans asda
« on: November 05, 2009, 08:46:31 am »
isit a national company or do they just have local w/c to clean there windows?
anybody know
keep on smiling


  • Posts: 5855
Re: who cleans asda
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2009, 10:01:24 am »
I think they have local companies but the ASDA around here hasn't been done for quite a while now.

Martin ccs

Re: who cleans asda
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2009, 04:14:56 pm »
ive done a one off at my local asda due to them having a visit from the top dogs, dont think they bother on a regular basis - finding alot of my commercial customers have a stupid budget and now with things getting harder due to the credit crunch.

also did a one off for my local B&Q - again due to a visit from top dogs, budget was so poor they had to cancel the cleaners for a few days just to make up the costs of having windows done and even then they only had certain windows cleaned.

used to do local tesco aswell but had to cancel window cleaning due to no budget at all.

you think even alot of hospitals dont get there windows done very often and you think they would due to the simply clean factor of being a hospital.

think sometimes these big chains have idiot big wigs that dont give real budgets to suit the work needed.


  • Posts: 654
Re: who cleans asda
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2009, 05:11:55 pm »
its just that i saw a w/c at the cannock asda only doing doors i think but no name on van and not seen the van in area b4 so must be some 1 not local
keep on smiling


  • Posts: 38
Re: who cleans asda
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2009, 05:31:02 pm »
With alot of big companies they get companies todo them and they subcontract them for ridiculously low amounts. With doing that they dont get done often and when they do not very well. I brought this up at my local bnq and a few other stores while i was there and they gave me contact numbers for people, takes a while but keep going and you will get them.


  • Posts: 153
Re: who cleans asda
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2009, 06:37:49 pm »
I wouldn't get involved with these large stores, they pay peanuts, just had an call about doing Argos stores (somerset area), their budget was £7 per store internal&external!!!!
(weekly)- who reckons it's worth taking on?! or shall i just pay them instead (as surely you would lose ££ doing them)!!
Avin a larf springs to mind - needless to say i politely told her it wouldn't be viable! don't think she was surprised!


  • Posts: 77
Re: who cleans asda
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2009, 06:41:20 pm »
how do you boys go about pricing a job like that?
who do you talk to?

A & J Owen Window Cleaning

  • Posts: 2192
Re: who cleans asda
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2009, 06:43:31 pm »
i think its wally mart mate