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d s windowcleaning

  • Posts: 2782
Re: Round Constipation
« Reply #20 on: November 05, 2009, 10:40:01 pm »
I don't even attack it very well, i pick off the plum jobs first and the priority is maximising every days wages- it's true that i also prioritise new work so i am also working my way through the answer phone which does slow me down a little.My foot print is about ten miles square and none of my work is compact, and even houses that are close together i very rarely do on the same day.There is an element of running around like a headless chicken.

why not re arrange your work and have a number of good properties for each week .
i pay my bills with 1 good day a week usually a monday , rain ,wind or shine , tuesday to friday then is a bonus . with a bit of tinkering with your round you can make it work were you get a good income each week , once your work is complete restart .

Sounds exactly like what I do. I'm not nearly strict enough with myself. If I wake up not feeling like going to a certain area, I just look at my list and go to the best paying job that's due. I have to be stricter with myself!
where theres muck theres money

Re: Round Constipation
« Reply #21 on: November 05, 2009, 10:52:16 pm »
I wont complete all of that work tomorrow and i wasn't trying to imply that i would, but a good chunk of it will get done.The other thing about wcpro is that it allows you to put timings on the jobs and how many men are needed, so in addition to saying how many jobs and how much, it also says how long.To me these seem pretty good tools.

Dave shaw, your mondays sound good, but i want five mondays a week, and if i ever get two vans on the road ten mondays a week. I know what you are saying is sensible and what i am saying is less so, but that's how it is.

mark dew

  • Posts: 2901
Re: Round Constipation
« Reply #22 on: November 05, 2009, 11:31:19 pm »
Clive i am amazed you are so disorganised. You need to group work by area. Working through your list will become like a production line. Failing that, start furthest away and chip away at jobs on your own turf on your return to refill.
Avoiding duplicating the same area was the 1st major saving i made with my expenses.
As you are only 1 vehicle, i can't see any advantage of having 3 separate lists. That just complicates things in my opinion. 1 list per vehicle has got to be better. . 
I like your posts clive cos you pioneer and pave the way for the likes of me to come along, once things become too efficient to ignore.
And this is no different.
A coworker with no driving license is terribly inefficient. You need to get your work bunched up and drop him off somewhere with a trailer and 200 metres of hose.
Your round won't seem so unwieldy then.  ;D

Sean Dyer

  • Posts: 2947
Re: Round Constipation
« Reply #23 on: November 05, 2009, 11:37:51 pm »
for a time while building a round full of amazing work, you will have some mediocre stuff but its filling time where you are still earning and not doing nothing and it needs doing, i work in a logical geographic order, when i do the good work its good, when i do the mediocre its till all good becuase its all about that figure at the end of the week / month which is still all good :)

Re: Round Constipation
« Reply #24 on: November 06, 2009, 03:00:43 am »
Some pretty honest replies.I hadn't seen it the way that most of you do.I E. balanced. The thing is i come back and print a george list for the two weeks i've been gone and the commencing week.It's always over 3k and i just want to attack it.

I don't even attack it very well, i pick off the plum jobs first and the priority is maximising every days wages- it's true that i also prioritise new work so i am also working my way through the answer phone which does slow me down a little.My foot print is about ten miles square and none of my work is compact, and even houses that are close together i very rarely do on the same day.There is an element of running around like a headless chicken.

Where wcpro seems to help is that i now can print off seperate lists for areas, whereas before i had to felt pen mark jobs that were natural partners.Anyone who has read my posts before will know that one theme is always about how smart i am, but i am not any near as smart as a computer and dedicated software.

The man who works for me doesn't have a driving licence.I told him i would pay for his licence and lessons, but he never gets around to doing anything about it.

So the idea of just putting everything back two weeks doesn't appeal because i am too greedy.

where its nice to earn max everyday, it doesnt help your situation

pick a starting point and work though your job list, it will become your round and you will not even need to look at your printout to know where you are going next, you will know that house A is followed by house B etc etc

That way works best for me too.  I sometimes have slight alteration but nothing that takes me too far away from where I'm meant to be working.  I spend several days in each area and when I'm done, move onto the next.  It's the window cleaner that runs the round - not the software.  The software is just a guide to refer to IMO.


Re: Round Constipation
« Reply #25 on: November 06, 2009, 09:45:58 am »
Some pretty honest replies.I hadn't seen it the way that most of you do.I E. balanced. The thing is i come back and print a george list for the two weeks i've been gone and the commencing week.It's always over 3k and i just want to attack it.

I don't even attack it very well, i pick off the plum jobs first and the priority is maximising every days wages- it's true that i also prioritise new work so i am also working my way through the answer phone which does slow me down a little.My foot print is about ten miles square and none of my work is compact, and even houses that are close together i very rarely do on the same day.There is an element of running around like a headless chicken.

Where wcpro seems to help is that i now can print off seperate lists for areas, whereas before i had to felt pen mark jobs that were natural partners.Anyone who has read my posts before will know that one theme is always about how smart i am, but i am not any near as smart as a computer and dedicated software.

The man who works for me doesn't have a driving licence.I told him i would pay for his licence and lessons, but he never gets around to doing anything about it.

So the idea of just putting everything back two weeks doesn't appeal because i am too greedy.

where its nice to earn max everyday, it doesnt help your situation

pick a starting point and work though your job list, it will become your round and you will not even need to look at your printout to know where you are going next, you will know that house A is followed by house B etc etc

That way works best for me too.  I sometimes have slight alteration but nothing that takes me too far away from where I'm meant to be working.  I spend several days in each area and when I'm done, move onto the next.  It's the window cleaner that runs the round - not the software.  The software is just a guide to refer to IMO.

whilst i can see some WC software would be nice ( for the taxman etc etc ), i cannot see the need

as i have said, start at house A then onto B followed by C


  • Posts: 4694
Re: Round Constipation
« Reply #26 on: November 06, 2009, 04:02:55 pm »
I can see what you've done Slumpy, as you have picked up work you've cleaned it almost straight away because you were new and just starting up. You've fed it into your pc and religiously keep to the agreed frequency of clean. The problem then is how to regroup them into specific days and areas. How do you do this? Can't clean them early and can't skip the cleans because you'll be loseing money and customers?
I have similar problems but the only way my round has become more compact and into zones is by being forced to stop work in the bad weather then when I atart again I can pick and choose the jobs I want to clean in the right areas.
Come holiday time what you really need is a computer programme that jogs the whole round on two weeks, either that or you ignore the lost fortnight and gradually filter them back in in the right areas.


  • Posts: 2561
Re: Round Constipation
« Reply #27 on: November 06, 2009, 04:38:07 pm »
Commercial gets done on the set day. Best areas are done 1st. Worst areas last. When I catch myself up I pull in long frequency cleans and have a break when everything completed. Back to the start again.


Re: Round Constipation
« Reply #28 on: November 06, 2009, 06:02:41 pm »
Just build a scheduled round so you know every day what you are doing and leave fridays free for catch up...easy, peasy.


Re: Round Constipation
« Reply #29 on: November 06, 2009, 06:15:50 pm »
I'm finding this thread interesting, not because everyone should do it the way i do it, but because how we approach this is very important and it's quite a fresh topic.The people with more than one van for instance, what is their approach?This is all probably old hat to some of you but wcpro is opening my eyes to the possibilities.

Ewan, you've got yourself confused again.If you worked for me i would stuff you full of doughnuts and pay you hardly anything. In the mornings i would say"Good morning ewan, have you got any helpfull business suggestions today?"
And then I would turn the van radio on very loudly ;D.But it would probably be the happiest working experience of your life because you would be able to soak up the knowledge and go back to your own empire blazing like a light bulb with renewed energy,vigour, and ideas.

Matt, your work is compact, mine isn't.

Mark, disorganised yes, but only in a mad genius sort of way.

Dave Turley

  • Posts: 896
Re: Round Constipation
« Reply #30 on: November 06, 2009, 06:29:51 pm »
I'm finding this thread interesting, not because everyone should do it the way i do it, but because how we approach this is very important and it's quite a fresh topic.The people with more than one van for instance, what is their approach?This is all probably old hat to some of you but wcpro is opening my eyes to the possibilities.

Ewan, you've got yourself confused again.If you worked for me i would stuff you full of doughnuts and pay you hardly anything. In the mornings i would say"Good morning ewan, have you got any helpfull business suggestions today?"
And then I would turn the van radio on very loudly ;D.But it would probably be the happiest working experience of your life because you would be able to soak up the knowledge and go back to your own empire blazing like a light bulb with renewed energy,vigour, and ideas.



  • Posts: 1071
Re: Round Constipation
« Reply #31 on: November 06, 2009, 07:50:53 pm »
Commercial gets done on the set day. Best areas are done 1st. Worst areas last. When I catch myself up I pull in long frequency cleans and have a break when everything completed. Back to the start again.

The best way to do it. Spoken like a true pro

mark dew

  • Posts: 2901
Re: Round Constipation
« Reply #32 on: November 06, 2009, 08:15:51 pm »
I'm finding this thread interesting, not because everyone should do it the way i do it, but because how we approach this is very important and it's quite a fresh topic.The people with more than one van for instance, what is their approach?This is all probably old hat to some of you but wcpro is opening my eyes to the possibilities.

Ewan, you've got yourself confused again.If you worked for me i would stuff you full of doughnuts and pay you hardly anything. In the mornings i would say"Good morning ewan, have you got any helpfull business suggestions today?"
And then I would turn the van radio on very loudly ;D.But it would probably be the happiest working experience of your life because you would be able to soak up the knowledge and go back to your own empire blazing like a light bulb with renewed energy,vigour, and ideas.

Matt, your work is compact, mine isn't.

Mark, disorganised yes, but only in a mad genius sort of way.

Yes and i'm sure you'll end up with the best solution. I'm not a pioneer like you. But your setup sounds very inefficient at the moment. And a tad complicated.  ;D

Dave Turley

  • Posts: 896
Re: Round Constipation
« Reply #33 on: November 06, 2009, 08:48:10 pm »
i just make mine up as i go along!

i look at what's due and pick the best houses, fill the day up with mediocre jobs (crap jobs have all gone now) and try to keep it all geographically sensible with the quotes i need to do for that day!

simples! but it would be interesting to know how many more miles per year i'm doing compared to if i just concentrated on geographical sensibility.

i'm pretty sure the increased turnover would outweigh the fuel/time saving though.

i've been suffering from round constipation for the last 3 weeks. but now i've caught up so well that i've only got about 3 days work per week for the next 2 weeks (not counting new jobs)!

ah well, the bills are paid and there's plenty of jobs around the house to keep me busy, i might even do a days canvassing!

Window Washers

  • Posts: 9036
Re: Round Constipation
« Reply #34 on: November 06, 2009, 09:46:18 pm »
Never would I pick the best houses to do on my rounds, they are all done in order, I start at the start and finish at the finish, if ever it is not followed it will be because of 8 weekly cleans that are done the next working day and reverted back to the correct day for the next clean.

I work area to area.

Lets say I start in peterborough, then cover cambridge, then so on and so on.

If I picked my best houses out I would be driving everywhere to do these and by the end of the day they would not be the best jobs because of the driving time.


p.s all round sheets are in order before they are printed, it really is as simple as following from job one to job whatever is at the end of the sheet.
If your not willing to learn, No one can help you, If you are determined to learn, No one can stop you ;)

Re: Round Constipation
« Reply #35 on: November 06, 2009, 09:51:14 pm »
A bit disapointed in Ewan and Marks spiteful comments.As regards knowing Matt's round better than i do my own he has said many times that he spends the whole day in one street, and may only move the van six times in totall.Other than that and the fact that ewan means plateau when he says pinnacle i've just been through todays stuff, of the the three rounds home was zero, area two 202, and area one,127.(two men).Both areas are fiveish miles opposite sides of me, and none of the jobs are close.

Thanks Ian.

Window Washers

  • Posts: 9036
Re: Round Constipation
« Reply #36 on: November 06, 2009, 09:52:53 pm »
A bit disapointed in Ewan and Marks spiteful comments.As regards knowing Matt's round better than i do my own he has said many times that he spends the whole day in one street, and may only move the van six times in totall.Other than that and the fact that ewan means plateau when he says pinnacle i've just been through todays stuff, of the the three rounds home was zero, area two 202, and area one,127.(two men).Both areas are fiveish miles opposite sides of me, and none of the jobs are close.

Thanks Ian.
your welcome, I think Ewan is having a bad few days  ::)
If your not willing to learn, No one can help you, If you are determined to learn, No one can stop you ;)

mark dew

  • Posts: 2901
Re: Round Constipation
« Reply #37 on: November 06, 2009, 10:08:13 pm »
A bit disapointed in Ewan and Marks spiteful comments.

Eh? Was i spiteful?
Yes and i'm sure you'll end up with the best solution. I'm not a pioneer like you. But your setup sounds very inefficient at the moment. And a tad complicated. ;D

No spite meant. I read your descriptions as having an inefficient round. £329 ain't bad for 2 men. But for how many hours?
Working your round and employee more efficiently will save you loads. And make you more money.

Dave Turley

  • Posts: 896
Re: Round Constipation
« Reply #38 on: November 06, 2009, 10:16:23 pm »
Never would I pick the best houses to do on my rounds, they are all done in order, I start at the start and finish at the finish, if ever it is not followed it will be because of 8 weekly cleans that are done the next working day and reverted back to the correct day for the next clean.

I work area to area.

Lets say I start in peterborough, then cover cambridge, then so on and so on.

If I picked my best houses out I would be driving everywhere to do these and by the end of the day they would not be the best jobs because of the driving time.


p.s all round sheets are in order before they are printed, it really is as simple as following from job one to job whatever is at the end of the sheet.

slumpbuster, i didn't read mark's comment as spiteful. even complimentary possibly.

ww, don't get me wrong, i race around willy nilly from one top job to another. i just try to make the best day from everything that is due (within reason)


Re: Round Constipation
« Reply #39 on: November 06, 2009, 10:25:57 pm »
A bit disapointed in Ewan and Marks spiteful comments.As regards knowing Matt's round better than i do my own he has said many times that he spends the whole day in one street, and may only move the van six times in totall.Other than that and the fact that ewan means plateau when he says pinnacle i've just been through todays stuff, of the the three rounds home was zero, area two 202, and area one,127.(two men).Both areas are fiveish miles opposite sides of me, and none of the jobs are close.

Thanks Ian.

your right, my days are just in the same street, most days my van stays put and doesnt get moved, my worse day for van moves is 4 or 5 moves, depends if i am being lazy