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benny d

  • Posts: 706
Upholstery advice please
« on: June 02, 2005, 05:06:20 pm »
Hi all,
I have a three piece suite to clean in a few days. The fibre content is as follows-
Cotton Chenille 48% Polyester 31% and 21% Viscose. Made by Parker Knoll. Normal soiling, no really bad stains.
I have told the customer that I can clean it with the truck mount. I dont use micro splitters, but good old Alltec and Prochem solutions.
Please tell me that this is ok to clean with HWE?
Any advice on this one please?
Tnx  :)
"If i'm not in action, I'm in traction"
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Doug Holloway

  • Posts: 3917
Re: Upholstery advice please
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2005, 05:10:26 pm »

Subject to a colour bleed test as viscose can be a bit unstable , I would think it should be a relatively straighforward clean.

Look for any evidence of previous colour run from spillages, 1001, vanish etc.

If none should be o.k



Re: Upholstery advice please
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2005, 05:42:53 pm »
i agree with doug, but i would add towell down afterwards as that type of mixed fibres tend to go in many directions.a good towelling in one direction prevants that happening. this is not a tip. doug im about to a large leaflet drop in your area any good, let us know :P
listen,learn.and benefit. try. reward.and love, peace harmony.feng shui. and all that. it improves ones selling .to ones customers.reap THE HARVEST WHILST YOU CAN. and try to crush the opposition.

benny d

  • Posts: 706
Re: Upholstery advice please
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2005, 09:59:43 pm »
Many thanks guys for the info. Much appreciated
"If i'm not in action, I'm in traction"
Voted 397th best looking carpet cleaner in West Sussex 2015. Up 10 from last year...