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derek west

Re: Just been bumped.
« Reply #40 on: October 29, 2009, 05:30:29 pm »
same as jason, only i'd ask if i could come round and have a look at the goods, then get a friend to go, have a look, pick the wand up and walk out to you waiting in the car.

Joe H

Re: Just been bumped.
« Reply #41 on: October 29, 2009, 05:35:13 pm »
Doing what Jason suggests would certainly mess him up - he thinks hes sold his gear but he aint, and you could be in possession of your wand.

Darren O

  • Posts: 1322
Re: Just been bumped.
« Reply #42 on: October 29, 2009, 05:42:36 pm »
Is it still listed cant find it.


  • Posts: 29
Re: Just been bumped.
« Reply #43 on: October 29, 2009, 06:02:25 pm »
sounds a right tosser, imagine how he has handled his customers
this guy gives c/cleaners  a bad name and image
he is now black balled and cannot bid on my e-bay items
i advise everyone to do the same
good luck in what action you take

Joe H

Re: Just been bumped.
« Reply #44 on: October 29, 2009, 06:25:48 pm »
Auction ended 16.01.31
He must be watching this forum I reckon.

I clicked on the link that Andrew posted earlier.

Matt Lindus

Re: Just been bumped.
« Reply #45 on: October 29, 2009, 06:47:55 pm »
You do need to get that wand back ASAP. He has Ltd his business as you say, obviously got in to financial trouble and is now asset stripping to pay back debt.
Limited means limited liability, his business has no connection to his home or personal assets.

In other words once he has sold all the gear and the business is suspended at company’s house, you have no way of getting back what is owed to you, it is limited to his business.

These type of crud only understand one thing, they don’t worry about court forms and the legal system.
Regrettably in this situation you need get hold of a couple of friends and go and request the wand or forcibly recover NON ESSENTIAL items from his home to cover the cost of your loss, TV, DVD, Cash, Jewellery etc. Leave food stuffs, beds, sofas etc.
Be bold, brave, persistent and demanding. Don’t be threatening or violent even if he chooses to retaliate in this way.
This is against the law but the only secure way of getting back what is owed to you.



  • Posts: 45
Re: Just been bumped.
« Reply #46 on: October 29, 2009, 06:58:36 pm » searched for him on tinternet...nice one...i recently bought an item that a custy wouldnt send. i paid thru paypal he said his dad had died, and he couldnt send item as he was consoling his mother..that was a month ago...i was very patient but explained i wanted my saw no later than a certain date...he didnt honour this date.i found him on facebook, i also found him on an owl watching site, and in an article on the bbc news web site and from all this obtained his address. went down at the weekend with a meathead who waited in the shudda seen his face when i introduced myself..hed sold item for more money and kept my money...i got my money back, petrol paid and a lil extra for the inconvenience...incidentally, nobody had died...ecept he nearly did when fronted by my meathead enforcer!  not my usal rote...but i had been more than patient..

i hear ye...and i feel your pain!
baz long
carpet cleaner/fitter


Re: Just been bumped.
« Reply #47 on: October 29, 2009, 07:28:15 pm »
the bloke is a scammer,  if you go with heavys, he will have the cops there in 5 mins, claiming that you are threatning to kill him, then you are in the poop,  u got two roads, legal throught the count courts, but if he goes bankrupt then then court orders mean nothing, or mess up his life and become the biggest pain ever,  if there was no way of you getting your money back this is what i would do,  never lay a finger on him or threaten him    just park out side his house,  not illegal, follow him  not illegal    slash his tryes,  hard to prove it was you,  the best report his car stolen, and when he gets pulled even if he has all the doc, they will still impound the car, and a min of 140 to get back,   get a mate and block his vehicle in  on his drive if he has one, as not illegal to block someone leaving a drive only illegal to block someone entering the drive,   and 2 really good things i have used is xmas eve, turn his water off and put quick drying cement down there,  soild by the time, they find out,   and the other is to get a bird to knock on his door when hes not there pretending to be shagging him behind his wifes back,  always goes down a  treat, used this on a bloke who done a runner from a house he was renting off me,  left it a few months and found out where he was living

(i use to be a plumber in liverpool and would always come across people trying to run scams)


  • Posts: 94
Re: Just been bumped.
« Reply #48 on: October 29, 2009, 07:52:46 pm »
Made me angry reading this.
I am origonally from Falkirk but dont know this tosser.
I think i would have to make the trip through, not that far really.
Make sure he knows you are from Paisley and have something hiding under your jacket.
Too many scumbags out there

Ricky M

  • Posts: 852
Re: Just been bumped.
« Reply #49 on: October 29, 2009, 08:16:14 pm »
 I know what I would do in this situation  ;D
              NCCA !? but why have non of my clients herd of them ??


  • Posts: 3183
Re: Just been bumped.
« Reply #51 on: October 29, 2009, 08:36:50 pm »
Can you post his phone numbers , maybe we , as fellow carpet cleaners should back you up , and all apply some telephone pressure, at various times of the day and night ,, 2-300 people calling from different phones, would be an insurmountable amount of hassle for any agency to unwind.
I clean carpets
I dry Buildings


  • Posts: 3183
Re: Just been bumped.
« Reply #52 on: October 29, 2009, 08:38:04 pm »
the bloke is a scammer,  if you go with heavys, he will have the cops there in 5 mins, claiming that you are threatning to kill him, then you are in the poop,  u got two roads, legal throught the count courts, but if he goes bankrupt then then court orders mean nothing, or mess up his life and become the biggest pain ever,  if there was no way of you getting your money back this is what i would do,  never lay a finger on him or threaten him    just park out side his house,  not illegal, follow him  not illegal    slash his tryes,  hard to prove it was you,  the best report his car stolen, and when he gets pulled even if he has all the doc, they will still impound the car, and a min of 140 to get back,   get a mate and block his vehicle in  on his drive if he has one, as not illegal to block someone leaving a drive only illegal to block someone entering the drive,   and 2 really good things i have used is xmas eve, turn his water off and put quick drying cement down there,  soild by the time, they find out,   and the other is to get a bird to knock on his door when hes not there pretending to be shagging him behind his wifes back,  always goes down a  treat, used this on a bloke who done a runner from a house he was renting off me,  left it a few months and found out where he was living

(i use to be a plumber in liverpool and would always come across people trying to run scams)

 I Would  rather have a kicking than all that at my door!
I clean carpets
I dry Buildings

Carpet Dawg

  • Posts: 2968
Re: Just been bumped.
« Reply #53 on: October 29, 2009, 08:39:06 pm »
I've just read the threads since i posted last night! I cant beleive he has the cheek to actaully sell something that doesn't belonfg to him!! i'm so angry!

You need to go there ASAP! bring friends with you. say that you want £350! or the wand back! and a blowy off the missus! What a cheeky bugger!

If you wait any longer he'll just think your a soft touch and has gotten away with it! you'll appear in 2 weeks time and he'll say "who are you??"

David Ware

  • Posts: 300
Re: Just been bumped.
« Reply #54 on: October 29, 2009, 08:45:56 pm »
What ever you do to get your goods back don't make it public,especially on this site, as Joe has already mentioned he could well be a member of this site. All the best, let us know when you get it back.


Re: Just been bumped.
« Reply #55 on: October 29, 2009, 09:03:52 pm »
it might sound a bit over the top,  but only started being a pain after a couple of times getting ripped off, in liverpool getting a kicking is a good night out, so a lot of the time, it doesnt matter to them,  but as soon as it affect there family life and they got to explain to there wife whats going on, there life usual end up worse of the misses, 

had a mate who told his wife that the house he bought was full price when it was a repo, so he could keep 17 grand him self

the way i look at it is u do a job/service get paid, if they try and rip u off the they are taking food out of my kids mouths,

like the bloke said he will pay the debt collecters, they cant do any thing with out a court order, when they get this, this is when they start to earn there money

depending on how much you are owed you can get someone ccj, if they dont pay it with in the time allowed, u can file for bankrupts on them, thats when most people pay up, as they try and sod it off, till the last minute, until they speak to someone and they tell them to pay up,

i know about this as my aunty works for a transport company who owner owns a debt collection company in manchester, and this is what they usual do, so when i use to get problems, i would speak to her, and have had to go down this road 2 twice last year alone, to recover money i was owed


  • Posts: 256
Re: Just been bumped.
« Reply #56 on: October 29, 2009, 11:55:27 pm »
Carboclean falkirk tel - 01324 410771.

Darren O

  • Posts: 1322
Re: Just been bumped.
« Reply #57 on: November 12, 2009, 04:30:32 pm »
Well i was supposed to get my money yesterday but it never happened the tossers wife emailed me today saying her husband is working up in Aberdeen doing flood work and they hope to have some money a week on friday and are willing to pay me £60 per fortnight told her what i thought of her and her husband ended up with her saying shes reported me to the Police.The guy has also swapped the wand for another wand as he couldnt use it with his machine to be honest this has been the least of my worries after spending £1100 on a new clutch last friday yesterday the clutch went again costing me another days wages.Even if i drive through there these c-nts havent a pot to p in how do i go about taking him to a small claims court as i no if i drive through there i will be the only one that gets lifted.

james roffey

Re: Just been bumped.
« Reply #58 on: November 12, 2009, 05:27:39 pm »

 This  forum that can be accessed by this guyso not very smart to suggest this illegal action when your suggestion could be presented as evidence in court, yes he is a scumbag there are may legal ways to make life difficult for him, he could be blacklisted so when he goes goes looking for credit even if its in a years time this will prevent it and he will have to pay interest too, he definately cannot sell something he does not own whatever you do if its dodgy dont tell anyone on here!

the bloke is a scammer,  if you go with heavys, he will have the cops there in 5 mins, claiming that you are threatning to kill him, then you are in the poop,  u got two roads, legal throught the count courts, but if he goes bankrupt then then court orders mean nothing, or mess up his life and become the biggest pain ever,  if there was no way of you getting your money back this is what i would do,  never lay a finger on him or threaten him    just park out side his house,  not illegal, follow him  not illegal    slash his tryes,  hard to prove it was you,  the best report his car stolen, and when he gets pulled even if he has all the doc, they will still impound the car, and a min of 140 to get back,   get a mate and block his vehicle in  on his drive if he has one, as not illegal to block someone leaving a drive only illegal to block someone entering the drive,   and 2 really good things i have used is xmas eve, turn his water off and put quick drying cement down there,  soild by the time, they find out,   and the other is to get a bird to knock on his door when hes not there pretending to be shagging him behind his wifes back,  always goes down a  treat, used this on a bloke who done a runner from a house he was renting off me,  left it a few months and found out where he was living

(i use to be a plumber in liverpool and would always come across people trying to run scams)


Re: Just been bumped.
« Reply #59 on: November 12, 2009, 05:36:11 pm »
I would do the same thing an if you are going to sort it dont say on here  ;)

Being honest he is pretty low to do this sort of thing and maybe its not a one off.

Wonder how his wife could go along with it too so just shows some twats out there.

There again its easy here to say dont do anything as i prob would myself now rather than go through the courts ::)