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ray l

  • Posts: 167
battery problems
« on: October 23, 2009, 09:40:29 pm »
Hi and thanks in advance

After about 30 min the power drops right off ( from an ok stream to nothing in a few seconds )

As soon as the van is switched on there is a great flow and after 15-20 min running can switch off van for another 15-20 min

This was happening with last battery ( bought for a large van)
As well as this new large lesure battery.

Am I missing something like dodgy connections


Re: battery problems
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2009, 10:10:34 pm »
hi r u charging it from the alt on ur van,  if you are i dont think that it works properly as when i bought my battery,  i was told by the garage that it should not be connected to it as the charge it need was a slow trickle, and that the alt would not give it enough

try taking it off and charging it and running it with out it connected to the alt