What are your sales credentials?
How many years have you been the top salesperson for a company in the past and have you ever done any sales training?
Mike what do you mean sales credentials ??
I went from a door canvaser to a national training manger in a few years , had the best and highest paid team in the company for 2 years running then became the national float team for 9 ish months ( full hotel expenses , new car every 6 months and fuel ) then branch manger for 6 ish months then regional over 2 branches for 4 ish months then 3 branches for a few months then national trainer always picked up a 4 fig wage every week for mon-fri . O and I personally wrote 2 company scripts used by over 650 door canvas ( 1 is still used now ) . I still speak to the owners now and again but they end up trying to pitch me back so I dont really bother as much as I should. I personly broke the sales record and set it at 205k in 1 month and it still stands I think .
I left because it would never be mine and there is a high level of sniffing and partying that comes with the job and I found it was my time to settle down , and settle I have
I still stay friends with some of the guys from gateshead to portsmouth for very good reasons
I still keep the print outs of the records I archived if you want me to post you some copies
Mike Is there a reason you doubt me ?
Looks can be very deceiving matey