and at the end of the month I dont have much left in my pocket - the wifes grabbed most of it.
Do you pay yourself monthly?
Due to the reccession and the infux of new carpet cleaners I am back to £1 a metre as suggestedon Extracta Web Site
for some reason the poll result is showing and nt the voting button so I could not vote.
I am going to Alltec Extacavanza where the blind will not be leading the blind to learn how to get £6 without scarring off the customer Jim obviously knows as he gets £10
Thats good because next 50% OFF advert can be 20x10 lounge £200 down to £100 Another point to bear in mind is you should take of the areas you do not clean
In My room I have wall units Computer Desk piano and if you do not calculate these out you are getting more per metre than you realise
Iam just wondering what test you did when you were useing a portable to see how much residue you left in carpet to cause resoiling
I also thought you were a convert to prochems version of micro spliter and green cleaning where you use a plain water rinse.
Also whe you were a portable owner how many complaints did you get about resoiling or drying times .?