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  • Posts: 100
How do we answer this? (Council Contract )
« on: October 21, 2009, 11:11:22 am »
Does your organisation comply with industry codes of practice and guidelines published in relation to the field in which you operate? If yes please state the name of this organisation.
If ‘no’, please state why?

Thinking of the Codes of practice for the HSE quoting the ref no's


  • Posts: 63
Re: How do we answer this? (Council Contract )
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2009, 12:04:13 pm »
Kirklees council ? :)  by any chance

i would of thought that if refers to the relevant H & S guidelines and also membership at such groups as royal britannia and Chas which shows that you have all relevant paperwork and procedures in place Safe working policy , method and risk assessments cosh data and so on....


  • Posts: 100
Re: How do we answer this? (Council Contract )
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2009, 12:41:54 pm »
Hi Thanks for the pointers,
No its not for Kirkless but my local council, we have providered all the relevent Doc's
But this question came after supplying them, thats why we are puzzled :-\


  • Posts: 341
Re: How do we answer this? (Council Contract )
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2009, 06:58:23 pm »
You need to establish wether they are specifically asking you for the info or if it's a standard form, normally called a pre-qualifying questionaire or PQQ for short, which is used for all their suppliers.

Either way, my response would be that there is no recognised national standard used across the industry, so supply them with your documentation.
