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mark dew

  • Posts: 2901
Re: Best place to buy a wfp system
« Reply #20 on: October 21, 2009, 11:42:04 am »
Hi ive been googleing wfp and i saw a website where a window cleaner filters his water in his garage and the fills up cans.Can it be dont this way then in my van i would only need pump and controller hose and pole and could just change over cans when i need to i wouldn't have to have the filter fitted in the van.

To get started, in your garage you want a RO unit,  A di vessel and a water butt or some other container.  And a 240v submersible pump to transfer the water over.

In your van, you will only need a water tank, leisure battery, pump, hosereel with hose and a pole.
No pump controllers. You just need an on/off valve on the hosepipe that goes between the water tank and the pump. Make sure it is between the tank and pump so that you can adjust the flow without putting extra strain on the pump.
Oh and hosepipe and jubilee clips to connect everything.
Also, there are many suppliers who will tell you exactly what you want.
The above is the easiest cheapest setup. Apart from what pole you need, whether you need a flow controller or not is the only thing open to debate.
The reality is you don't. It is an unnecessary piece of kit and just an extra part of the process that can break down.

I have worked wfp for 3 1/2 years without a flow controller and with a varistream. It is better without.


  • Posts: 412
Re: Best place to buy a wfp system
« Reply #21 on: October 21, 2009, 06:14:58 pm »
Hi ive been googleing wfp and i saw a website where a window cleaner filters his water in his garage and the fills up cans.Can it be dont this way then in my van i would only need pump and controller hose and pole and could just change over cans when i need to i wouldn't have to have the filter fitted in the van.

To get started, in your garage you want a RO unit,  A di vessel and a water butt or some other container.  And a 240v submersible pump to transfer the water over.

In your van, you will only need a water tank, leisure battery, pump, hosereel with hose and a pole.
No pump controllers. You just need an on/off valve on the hosepipe that goes between the water tank and the pump. Make sure it is between the tank and pump so that you can adjust the flow without putting extra strain on the pump.
Oh and hosepipe and jubilee clips to connect everything.
Also, there are many suppliers who will tell you exactly what you want.
The above is the easiest cheapest setup. Apart from what pole you need, whether you need a flow controller or not is the only thing open to debate.
The reality is you don't. It is an unnecessary piece of kit and just an extra part of the process that can break down.

I have worked wfp for 3 1/2 years without a flow controller and with a varistream. It is better without.
Is this the sort of thing you mean.