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Clear Glass Cleaning Services

  • Posts: 49
« on: October 18, 2009, 08:17:52 pm »
Hi folks,
Only been in this business for 18 months trad window cleaning, gradually building on my round.The other day while doing my work a bloke stops his van comes over & says from next year mate you won't be able to use ladders to clean windows new regulations its got to be water fed pole system.Please could you let me know if ladders are banned from next year? ???

tomy jackson

Re: Ladders
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2009, 08:21:43 pm »
it says  if thers a viubull altunitiv you shud use it


Re: Ladders
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2009, 08:25:11 pm »
ladders have to be footed now any way,  if they ban laddes they will have to stop b and q selling them as well,  and dont think that will happen,  if they do ban them, it will be a huge impact on everything, look at sky, alarm fitters, painters, i cant see these all saying we dont want ladders


  • Posts: 1575
Re: Ladders
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2009, 09:45:24 pm »
just more rumours .off us wfp guys .. joking aside take no notice what people say to u bout ladders . just go on the health n safety site and they will let u know when they ar definetly banned  .


Re: Ladders
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2009, 09:50:39 pm »
taky you are right,  you my earn a living as you can use aladder i do it all bull the story has coming for along time. An d still there is no ladder ban.


Re: Ladders
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2009, 09:54:01 pm »
you do not need to foot aladder if you work on your own,only if you employ someone

Nathanael Jones

  • Posts: 5596
Re: Ladders
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2009, 09:55:04 pm »
This is what is on my website, quoting the Irish law:

At Avondhu Cleaning Services we take health and safety seriously. Unlike many local companies, we comply fully with the 2007 WAHR legislation.

What is the 2007 "Work at height" directive, and how does it affect me?

The 2007 HSA work at height directive is part of the "STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS
S.I. No. 299 of 2007,Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007"

While this directive covers nearly every aspect of health and safety in the workplace, Part 4 specifically deals with "Work at height". The extract shown below contains the key regulations that limit ladder use for window cleaning. We believe it is "reasonably practicable" to clean windows without ladders, making ladders an unnecessary risk, and therefore their use is in direct violation of this law.

Avoidance of risks from work at height.

98. Taking account of the general principles of prevention in Schedule 3 to the Act, an employer
(a) ensure that work is not carried out at height where it is reasonably practicable to carry out the work safely and without risk to health otherwise than at height,
(b) without prejudice to the generality of paragraph (a), ensure that work is not carried
out at height unless it is reasonably practicable to do so safely and without risk to
(c) where, having regard to paragraphs (a) and (b), it is necessary to carry out work at
height, take suitable and sufficient measures to prevent an employee falling a
distance liable to cause personal injury, including—
(i) ensuring that the work is carried out—
(I) from an existing place of work, or
(II) in the case of obtaining access or egress, by using an existing means of
access or egress,
in compliance with this Part, where it is practicable to do so safely and under
appropriate ergonomic conditions, and
(ii) where it is not practicable for the work to be carried out in accordance with
subparagraph (i), ensuring that suitable and sufficient work equipment, in
compliance with Regulation 100, is provided to prevent a fall occurring,
(d) where the measures taken under paragraph (c) do not eliminate the risk of a fall
(i) provide sufficient work equipment, in compliance with Regulation 100, to
minimise the distance of a potential fall and the risk of personal injury, and
(ii) without prejudice to the generality of paragraph (c), provide such additional
training and instruction or take other additional suitable and sufficient
measures to prevent, so far as is practicable, any employee falling a distance
liable to cause personal injury.

bobby p

Re: Ladders
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2009, 10:05:54 pm »
ladders will never be banned , in fact i bet ladder factories are busier than ever


  • Posts: 463
Re: Ladders
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2009, 10:08:58 pm »
The fact that there is such a difference in interpretations on the rules suggests that ladders are not banned and (imo) are unlikely to become so.  If ladders were banned then it would be clear and we would all know about it.

Sapphire Window Cleaning

  • Posts: 2942
Re: Ladders
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2009, 10:15:48 pm »
Hi folks,
Only been in this business for 18 months trad window cleaning, gradually building on my round.The other day while doing my work a bloke stops his van comes over & says from next year mate you won't be able to use ladders to clean windows new regulations its got to be water fed pole system.Please could you let me know if ladders are banned from next year? ???

was this other guy a window cleaner?


Reaching parts traditional window cleaners can not reach.

Nathanael Jones

  • Posts: 5596
Re: Ladders
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2009, 10:17:35 pm »
The interpretation seems pretty clear to me,...

Think how your insurance would interpret it if you fell,.. that little clause in every policy that says the cover is void if you are working outside the law in any way could very easily be exploited!

mci services

Re: Ladders
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2009, 10:20:25 pm »
read the attachment ladders are in no way banned


Re: Ladders
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2009, 10:22:18 pm »
sorry wizard i stand corrected

Gaby P.

  • Posts: 134
Re: Ladders
« Reply #13 on: October 18, 2009, 10:22:53 pm »
I would love to be the only trad cleaner in my area.


Re: Ladders
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2009, 10:52:27 pm »
Wish this feud between wfp and trad would stop the gent in the van was I am sure a window cleaner just stirring some trouble for this newbie. Thinking he can pull the wool. But we have so much is common and it’s sad that we do not all have the cash to buy a WFP at the start of business. Trad is a process of growth to WFP . So for those, please allow us to be part of this industry which gives us a living. The true shame is some cannot use a squeegee at all it will always be part of the trade equal to WFP to be use to produce the best result. Dont worry mate he is feeling the heat thats why he told you the ladder noncence.

Clear Glass Cleaning Services

  • Posts: 49
Re: Ladders
« Reply #15 on: October 19, 2009, 07:21:46 pm »
Thankyou for all of the advise.
Looks like i still have a job with my ladders.Matt this bloke was wfp & yes he had been canvassing on this estate about a month ago.My customers are happy with my work.Maybe next he will come in with an offer to buy that part of my round hoping that i took in what he said about  ladders being banned.
Once again Thankyou everyone for the advise. :)

john k

  • Posts: 190
Re: Ladders
« Reply #16 on: October 19, 2009, 07:29:04 pm »
recently had sky fitted at my house the guy drilled an hole in the wall put an eye bolt in to secure his ladder wore a hard hat a high vis jacket and he was only 8ft up so who knows what the legallity of ladders are :o

Sean Dyer

  • Posts: 2947
Re: Ladders
« Reply #17 on: October 19, 2009, 07:40:37 pm »
thats not about the legality of ladders but to do with skys h and s policy although a bit ott you cann certainly learn a thing or two from them about ladder safety , and the point is although they took those precautions - what did they use ?? A ladder

so it isnt banned, just its use is regulated as would any other dangerous thing be like cars etc, you cant just pick up a ladder do something dangerous, cause an injury and expect no repurcussions


  • Posts: 341
Re: Ladders
« Reply #18 on: October 19, 2009, 07:48:40 pm »
My sky+ box went wrong recently. Missed the engineer - so he dropped a card thro the letter box - interestingly it says not to even touch an engineer even if he has fallen from his ladder !!!!!

Kinda glad I work myself now, rather than a compassionate caring employer !!

Sapphire Window Cleaning

  • Posts: 2942
Re: Ladders
« Reply #19 on: October 19, 2009, 08:13:53 pm »
Thankyou for all of the advise.
Looks like i still have a job with my ladders.Matt this bloke was wfp & yes he had been canvassing on this estate about a month ago.My customers are happy with my work.Maybe next he will come in with an offer to buy that part of my round hoping that i took in what he said about  ladders being banned.
Once again Thankyou everyone for the advise. :)

be careful this guy hasn't been going around your customers stating that ladders are banned.
sounds like a cowboy to me.
if I was you I would contact all your customers on that estate and tell them that this guy THINKS ladders are banned when actually they are NOT banned.
Reaching parts traditional window cleaners can not reach.