i can see both sides of this discussion.
carpet cleaning is easy, so i agree with john and ryan, but it would be foolish to clean someones carpets without a few days training.
personally, i don't see myself as a carpet cleaner and never will. i'm a business man. i run a business. i don't just clean carpets, i design leaflets, i plan marketting campaigns, i'm enrolling on a web design course. and a bookkeeping and accounts course.
my new part time employee starts tomorrow so i'm also an employer, ish.
at the end of the day, if your innit for beer money then you'll probably never take it serious enough to get training, and if you FU! you'll just blame the customers carpets and wipe your hands of it.
theres a company local to me, he sold his biz to a new guy. showed him the ropes and thats it, he's now my competition. i got asked by one of his ex customers if i cleaned curtains she told me he cleaned them but she wasn't happy with the results, i had a look, "there velvet love, you can't wet clean them. "well he did" "in that case love, give him a ring and tell he owes you a new set of velvet curtains"
theres a lot of dangers out there that a 2 day course could stop you from making.
its not rocket science, but you need to know before you start.
your choice.