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  • Posts: 52
I am thinking of starting my own round.
« on: May 28, 2005, 04:49:37 pm »
Hi all I am new to the forum an d I have a few questions about starting a window cleaning round.

1) How is the best way to start a round?

2)I live in the  South West so how much is best to charge, I over  heard one of my work mates saying her window cleaner charges her a fiver  is this about right?

3) do I advertise or go door to door or do both?

many thanks Iain
ir jones


Re: I am thing of starting my own round.
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2005, 05:19:18 pm »
1) Canvass
2) No...unless it's about 4 windows and actually worth stopping. Charge at least 75p a window/door.
3)back to question 1...but do both anyway...canvassing will bring quicker results. In an your audience.

apart from that....look through the related may be on a steep learning curve ! :)


  • Posts: 52
Re: I am thing of starting my own round.
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2005, 05:48:33 pm »
Many thanks for that Duke, would it be best to carry on working and work on my off days, or quit work and do it full time? which would you guys advise
ir jones


Re: I am thing of starting my own round.
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2005, 05:53:22 pm »
do it in parallell (spelling ?) first,  don't cut your throat, still bill's to pay...but as it takes off (and it will)  gradually drop the other and commit full time. That's what I did in the I've never looked back..(except to wish I'd done it sooner)


  • Posts: 52
Re: I am thing of starting my own round.
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2005, 05:59:46 pm »
Where is the best place to get all the equipment and should i get an wfp or wait till i get established
ir jones


Re: I am thing of starting my own round.
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2005, 06:03:00 pm »
that's a long answer....have a look through the threads.....depends on how much you want to invest in your future......


  • Posts: 52
Re: I am thing of starting my own round.
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2005, 07:17:39 pm »
sorry I know a I am being a pain ::) but i want to know more about this before I commit myself but this is a really good forum and I am glad I found it.
I am designing my flyers @ the moment can anyone tell me the best way to word , so far I have put on the name, I am going to call my bussiness but what next.

many thanks Iain
ir jones

Re: I am thing of starting my own round.
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2005, 11:13:06 pm »
I found many years ago that the best way was to put flyers through or business cards. Give it a couple of days and return on them doors and just mention that you put a flyer through and are they interested in a regular window cleaner.
Believe me it works. Just put the flyers through the houses that you want to do. I never put them through houses where it was hard to get round the back.
There are lots of people that just dont reply to flyers, but show yourself and you will see the results.
It takes time. You loose your evenings. In the winter you get cold and wet. In the summer everybody is relaxing in a pub garden. You dont like doing it but you get used to it.
Thing to remember though is that you will only be doing it for a while and then a lot of your future customers will be by word of mouth.
I always advise that people start out with a bit of early morning office cleaning or something like that to help them out.
All the best



Re: I am thing of starting my own round.
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2005, 11:21:14 pm »
I have a Window cleaning business for sale in Bath Somerset if you are interested.
Call me on 07818093879 Murat.

Walter Pole

  • Posts: 199
Re: I am thing of starting my own round.
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2005, 11:10:15 am »
A friend of mine is selling his round, van mounted wfp, all tools etc.  Covers Exeter/Exmouth/Budleigh Salterton in East Devon,  PM me if of interest.

taking panes to exceed expectations

Paul Coleman

Re: I am thing of starting my own round.
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2005, 11:38:37 am »
Many thanks for that Duke, would it be best to carry on working and work on my off days, or quit work and do it full time? which would you guys advise

I would suggest doing it part-time at first *qwithout* quitting your main job.  Bear in mind that there are extra expenses when you are self-employed and you need to budget for them in your pricing.
A lot of window cleaners quit after a few months.  See how you get along with it first is my suggestion.


  • Posts: 52
Re: I am thing of starting my own round.
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2005, 12:32:53 pm »
that was going to be my next question is it better that I am able to drive would that affect my chances of being a window cleaner.
I was also takling to a guy last night and he said that it would be a bad idea as morgages (sorry about the spelling) companys won't
entertain w/c as they are a risk.
ir jones

Paul Coleman

Re: I am thing of starting my own round.
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2005, 12:45:49 pm »
that was going to be my next question is it better that I am able to drive would that affect my chances of being a window cleaner.
I was also takling to a guy last night and he said that it would be a bad idea as morgages (sorry about the spelling) companys won't
entertain w/c as they are a risk.

It is certainly a good idea to be able to drive.  It would not really be possible IMO to have a full time window cleaning business without driving.  However, it would be possible to do window cleaning to make a bit of extra money without a vehicle if you live in a residential area.
As for the mortgage issue - I personally have had no problem with getting one because I'm a window cleaner.  You may find that some lenders require a larger deposit if you are self-employed but not specifically for being a window cleaner.


  • Posts: 52
Re: I am thing of starting my own round.
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2005, 12:49:54 pm »
ok thanks for that still a lot to think about but I am not put of considing w/c round as it would be nice to be my own boss
ir jones


  • Posts: 251
Re: I am thing of starting my own round.
« Reply #14 on: May 30, 2005, 03:03:56 pm »
Having only started fairly recently, these are a few of my experiences; hope they help.

I used flyers like you, to start, but soon realised that sticking one through every door in a street was a waste of time, shoe leather and flyers.

The reason was because there was already a good W/C working that patch, and I got a low response because people tend to be loyal to their W/C and, lets face it, you're not trying "poach" his/her customers, are you?

I found it best to either shove one through alternate letter boxes or to just put flyers through those on one side of the street.
That way I covered a bigger patch with the same number of flyers, and like me, you might pick up some from people who:-

Never catch the W/C because they've not lived there long, and are always out at work.

Or those that "Don't like the chap that does round here", [it does happen, in spite of all us W/C's being the most handsome, charming, chap's, and modest too, of course!].

Or run into an area where "Our man stopped coming twelve months ago, and we've not seen him since"; I did, and got lucky.

Remember people also talk, and if one house already has a good W/C, they will often ring their relatives a few streets away who are desperately seeking one, so don't be surprised if you get enquiries fron "un-flyered" areas.

If you only get a small response, don't worry, go and get started, [on my first day, I did just 4 houses!].

My experience was also that some people will read your flyer, but not ring you up, because they want to see if you turn up, [lot's of "new" W/C's don't], when they see you cleaning, they often approach you, sometimes on the second or even the third, visit.

If you don't have too many houses to do at the start, take your time, and try to leave your ladder in sight of the neighbours, [or a bucket on top of your van/car with a scrim hanging tantalisingly over the edge!

If they need a W/C they'll often come and talk to you.
They'll usually wait until you are at the top of the ladder, in full flight, and say "Are you the Window Cleaner?", or "Hello, I'm from number 52, can you come across and do me?"
I'll leave you to work out witty riposte's, I never have!

Don't give up, I only work part-time, because I'm on a couple of small pensions, but 50% of my customers have been recruited "from the bottom of the ladder".
You'll make some smashing friends on your round, as well as loads of 'em on this forum.
Listen to what people on here tell you, they've all been "at it" a lot longer than we have, and, maybe, just maybe, they know "what's what".

I found it all to be bl**dy good advice.

Follow it and you won't go far wrong, but don't be afraid to chuck a few of your own idea's in, and let us know how you get on.

Best of luck, Baldeagle in Staffordshire.
"John the Window Cleaner."
A business founded during the Elizabethan age.


  • Posts: 52
Re: I am thing of starting my own round.
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2005, 03:33:10 pm »
thank you baldegale, i will try to follow all the advice given and see what happens. Can I ask where you got all your window cleaning gear ?

        many thanks Iain
ir jones


  • Posts: 251
Re: I am thing of starting my own round.
« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2005, 04:01:33 pm »
Most of my gear came from a local company, Dewey's, who are in Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent.
They sell ladders, [make them as well], plus they sell scrims. applicators, squeegee's etc.

You could try your local "Yellow Pages", I suppose, but there are also quite a few firms "On the Web" who supply stuff, and they can be cheaper, you need to shop around a bit.

Stick "Window Cleaning Supplies" into "Google" would be a good start.

Do you know a local W/C?
Ask him if you can go and "have a go" with him.
There's nothing like experience, to show you what to do, what not to do, and which muscles will ache at the end of the day! And believe me, they will!

But you'll soon get over it and build 'em up a bit.

I'm 5 weeks off my 60th birthday, and I've not been as fit as I am now since I was about 19.
I've lost count of the number of people who during the last 6 months or so have said, "My Goodness!" [Or something like that! "You been working out? You've got a bigger chest, you are lovely and brown, and you look super fit!"

I feel it, and I only started a few months ago, wished I'd started years ago.

Baldeagle n Staffs
"John the Window Cleaner."
A business founded during the Elizabethan age.


  • Posts: 52
Re: I am thing of starting my own round.
« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2005, 05:08:59 pm »
i have decided to give it a go see what happens, but I am going too keep my full time job for a while till the round takes off, one of my workwates has said that I should give it ago so i will by a ladder and I have a bucket and need a few other things, I will go a knock on some doors see how I get on.

       many thanks iain
ir jones


  • Posts: 251
Re: I am thing of starting my own round.
« Reply #18 on: May 30, 2005, 06:34:55 pm »
Forgot to say in my first post to you; quite a lot of my customers say, "I preferred to deal with you because although you put your mobile number on your flyers, you also gave a land-line number, I feel safer because of that".

Don't forget that you may be dealing with elderly people and pensioners who may have experienced "con" merchants around; you know the scam, say they are from the Water Board or something, just so they can get their foot in the door.

I have several customers who are widows, plus some single ladies who work and live near the local Hospital.
If they have a "proper" telephone number, it's a plus, and if you can give an address, I feel that can help, too.

Go canvassing, looking smart and tidy, and don't forget, earrings may not seem poncey to you, but first impressions count.
If you were going to employ someone to work for you, and they were to be your representative at the customers door, how would you want them to look?
Then you need to look the same, because YOU are your representative this time! A faceful of ironmongery might turn the local tarts on, but it don't do it  for everybody.
Best Luck!
Baldeagle in Staffordshire.
"John the Window Cleaner."
A business founded during the Elizabethan age.


  • Posts: 52
Re: I am thing of starting my own round.
« Reply #19 on: May 30, 2005, 07:50:22 pm »
cheers for that Baldeagle, I was reading a thread on another forum and one guy was earning 30k a year and he was leaving to become a w/c some were saying he  must be fed up with that job some 1 said think hard about giving up a 30k wage.
I earn around just over 15k a year but after todays shift, I was so stressed out i wanted to hand my notice there and then, but as the Shiner said not to give up your full job just yet as I have bills to pay.
I was going to work this morning and I was looking @ some of the house's and I was working out how much I would earn on some of the house's

many thanks Iain

p.s I tried to use the chat room but no one seems to go in there is there a reason for this or am iI going in @ the wrong time
ir jones