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MAX Carpets

  • Posts: 869
Re: Why Bother!
« Reply #20 on: October 11, 2009, 07:45:41 pm »

The young lad is not the first person I have employed, one has been with me for many years. I fail to see how this can turn round to be my fault? Oh by
the way I have received yet another text from him asking if I need him next week!! He also adds, no hard feelings mate??? Confusing?

Joe H

Re: Why Bother!
« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2009, 07:53:38 pm »
Did he have proper terms of employment?

Seems you need to go through them with him if you thinking of having him back.


  • Posts: 396
Re: Why Bother!
« Reply #22 on: October 11, 2009, 08:06:52 pm »

The young lad is not the first person I have employed, one has been with me for many years. I fail to see how this can turn round to be my fault? Oh by
the way I have received yet another text from him asking if I need him next week!! He also adds, no hard feelings mate??? Confusing?

Yes, very confusing. I didn't say it was your 'fault', what i was saying was that from what you'd said, your approach might have needed tweeking. That was it really. So are you taking him back on?

MAX Carpets

  • Posts: 869
Re: Why Bother!
« Reply #23 on: October 12, 2009, 07:53:39 am »
No I wont be taking him back, if he's done it once I'm sure he'll do it again. In my opinion it was all done for effect. He was fine when he was with me, I did notice he was getting a bit cockey as we grew nearer to him getting his own van & machine, I think once he went out on his own he felt I couldnt cope without him. I get the impression he thought I was going to beg him to come back, It also seems he now regrets leaving. I would not employ a youngster with no responsabilities again, its to easy for them to just up and leave. 

Carpet Dawg

  • Posts: 2968
Re: Why Bother!
« Reply #24 on: October 12, 2009, 06:11:50 pm »
ever thought he might be blazing his who trail? set up his own biz?

Maybe he's seen how straightforward it is to run your own buisness and get the calls coming in and thought, "hey i can do this!"

That comment above was said in gest obviously, but giving his young cocky attitude that you mentioned maybe thats what he thinks? you know the saying "one ball hair and they think they not it all" lol

MAX Carpets

  • Posts: 869
Re: Why Bother!
« Reply #25 on: October 12, 2009, 08:16:58 pm »
Well as we all know if he thinks that, he has a shock coming his way.


  • Posts: 412
Re: Why Bother!
« Reply #26 on: October 17, 2009, 09:46:14 pm »
You say that he was working 10 hr days and 1/2 hr saturdays thats about 55 hrs a week and you were paying him £10 per hr good money.But i just wonder whether 55 hrs is to many hours for a 21 year old not physically, but most 21 year olds have a good social life and i just wondered whether his time was more important than the money.But now he's probably skint and thinking the other way just a thought.But i do think you would be better off getting someone alittle older but 55hrs a week might put some people off as most preffer the normal basic 40 with the option if it avalible .

Re: Why Bother!
« Reply #27 on: October 17, 2009, 10:07:45 pm »
.But i do think you would be better off getting someone alittle older

Don't always bet on it. one of the biggest handfulls I ever had on my books was Militant Melvin. Early 50's and on part time hours he was too keen to lay down the law on what he would do and wouldn't do. He even stayed to the last minute when I gave him the 2 weeks notice more so to annoy me than anything else, particulary as he hardly uttered a word to me during those 2 weeks. Clearly he'd forgotten i am ex military and can take anything thrown at me....even the silent treatment ;D
As for the other 20 well I'm saving those names and stories for the book I intend to write  8)


Re: Why Bother!
« Reply #28 on: October 18, 2009, 08:32:42 am »
Niel ;D

Love the name militant melvin ;D

Sounds like a character from the  early 70s..

Doctor Carpet (Ret'd)

  • Posts: 2024
Re: Why Bother!
« Reply #29 on: October 18, 2009, 07:32:00 pm »
Niel ;D

Love the name militant melvin ;D

Sounds like a character from the  early 70s..

Tooting Popular front?

With Wolfie Smith?
Diplomacy: the art of letting other people have your way

Re: Why Bother!
« Reply #30 on: October 18, 2009, 09:29:12 pm »
Tooting Popular front?
With Wolfie Smith?

Oh I wish at least Wolfie was funny, it was more like trying to work with Arthur Scargill.
Here's one of the situations and bare in mind he was part time as he requested.

Me: "Melvyn, we've got a heavy week coming up do you fancy some extra hours?"
Militant Melv: "I'm part time and that's all I intend to do, you know that's what I wanted from this job and what my terms of contract says."
Me: "Ok keep your hair on I was only asking incase you wanted extra money"
Militant Melv: "I'm only doing 20 hours so don't ask me again"