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  • Posts: 4085
Re: facelift poles
« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2009, 09:58:15 am »
Facelift carbon is a great pole, it was the best for a while. Trouble is, they haven't advanced on it & it now lags behind. It needs to be reduced in price or revamped, instead they have stood still.

All these fusion/hybrid compostites will never (well, not yet anyway) be anything like a true carbon pole, no matter what the sales patter is.

Re: facelift poles
« Reply #21 on: October 03, 2009, 10:04:56 am »

Would any of these companies put there money where there mouths are and give a full no quibble,if not happy guarantee?

No! And rightly not because theres always someone who thinks a clamp that isnt up to there expectations deserves a full refund. Even if it operates perfectly well, and needs adjusting every so often. The moans posted on here about various bits of kit beggars belief.

Small but perfectley formed

  • Posts: 1744
Re: facelift poles
« Reply #22 on: October 03, 2009, 10:41:28 am »
Matt on this particular thread the pole in question is not as advertised and it is certainly not up to the purpose it is intended for if it was it would not be left in my van un used. ???
Spit and polish

Re: facelift poles
« Reply #23 on: October 03, 2009, 10:45:42 am »
My response was based on the amount of moaning/griping and general bad-mouthing of some suppliers who do more than what should be reasonably expected of themand more than the majority of suppliers combined.

It was a reflection in general on peeps, not about any pole in particular.

Saying that, any supplier who offered a no quibble guarantee would soon be out of business. But if they supply a pole which isnt as advertised then thats their look out!


  • Posts: 4694
Re: facelift poles
« Reply #24 on: October 03, 2009, 07:46:11 pm »
how good are these against gardiners and the like

Depends on the length of the pole that you want to make the comparison with, shorter pole’s SL-X, a lot on here will say are better, longer pole’s lot on here will say Facelift.

Then it depends on your own criteria, on what you consider is "good".

Ewan, do you actually own either of these poles?


  • Posts: 4694
Re: facelift poles
« Reply #25 on: October 03, 2009, 08:49:56 pm »
You know I do - I'm a Gardiners snob. Which one do you have?


Re: facelift poles
« Reply #26 on: October 03, 2009, 09:10:14 pm »
Personally I think the posting of gripes and issues with equipment here is over time we can see 'trends' appearing...and we can then make judgments based upon that information.

At times it is almost that some will not raise their concerns on here as it is like they are grassing up their mate or somthing like that.

Complaints are not personal just experiances of equipment and not personal attacks.


Re: facelift poles
« Reply #27 on: October 03, 2009, 11:08:31 pm »
I read dysons book, and he made thousands of prototypes over many years.Just because someone is bright and talented the work still has to go in.Most products need extensive work after the intial idea.

I have a 34'xtel hybrid that i hardly use. It is too heavy.There is a cleaner in my area who uses this for everything (he does work mostly trad). When i see him using it i laught to myself. He thinks he saves money by having one pole that does everything. For a hundred pounds he could have a 17'xtel and have an easy life.For £250 he could have a 22'SLX and have an even easier one.

So the argument is people like me are stupid for spending unecessary money on poles, and other people will never know how productive their work lives could be financially because they are too ignorant to spend money.

brett walker

  • Posts: 1943
Re: facelift poles
« Reply #28 on: October 04, 2009, 12:41:09 am »
 8) facelift for me  8)



  • Posts: 4694
Re: facelift poles
« Reply #29 on: October 04, 2009, 07:22:16 am »
So which pole do you have Ewan?


Re: facelift poles
« Reply #30 on: October 04, 2009, 03:18:16 pm »
No chance ftp  ::) Googled answers lol  ;)

Re: facelift poles
« Reply #31 on: October 04, 2009, 08:23:07 pm »
If other people are to ignorant to spend money Slumpbuster on the latest pole’s, does that mean if another pole came out in the next 6 months that is better than the SL-X poles that you have just brought. Will you be spending more money to increase you productivity & finances on the newer poles or continue to use the SL-X poles you have because they are only a few months old even though you know they will cost you lost money in revenue?

I personally tend to write any pole off in the year it is purchased, so my answer is I would look to keep up with newer developments and always look to buy any new poles that offer any improvements.

Any big improvement and i'd get one. The slx is a big leap from what went before, and so too was the 17' xtel. Before that options were limited.


Re: facelift poles
« Reply #32 on: October 04, 2009, 08:28:33 pm »
I Just bought the Glider last week. I'm absolutely delighted with. Very light, a good pole to work with all day. £360  :o A bit Pricey