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  • Posts: 258
« on: October 02, 2009, 01:06:32 am »
Has anyone tried a Necprotech?

It says its for those who are looking up most of the time.  I have had neck pain in the past, I wonder if this gadget would help?

Its only £30

Re: Necprotech
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2009, 07:30:29 am »
It sounds more like some sexual deviation.
I would imagine that if your neck was that bad that you had to wear one of those then you would probably be better off cleaning bungalows.....


  • Posts: 694
Re: Necprotech
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2009, 08:12:35 am »
do they do a bellyprotech cos mine is always hanging down. ;D


Re: Necprotech
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2009, 11:00:31 am »
It sounds more like some sexual deviation.
I would imagine that if your neck was that bad that you had to wear one of those then you would probably be better off cleaning bungalows.....

Its actually a good idea to have it. If you are looking up all the time like hi rise wfp wc's, ceiling plasters etc, then you can put un-due stress on your neck muscles especially if your looking up all day.

Save getting neck strains and upper back problems.

@ drwindows - you can but try at that price.. the idea of it is to stop you leaning your head back too far straining muscles.. if you have head neck problems in the past it probably is worth trying.

I dont do much hi stuff mainly 1 & 2 floor resi so not seen the requirements for it, but if i was doing 6 floor offices etc all day i would have tried it.