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  • Posts: 275
cancelled by email
« on: September 30, 2009, 06:36:09 pm »
I received this email today from a rather unhappy customer. I'm going to reply but as of yet i ain't really thought up anything that is witty/cutting and sarcastic. Now i'm sure theirs enough eloquent and fluent folk on here who could perhaps give me some ideas.....over to you lot  ;)

Just to let you know I no longer want my windows cleaning.
I was in the other day, when I you came and just squirted water at them, nothing else then left within minuites.
£ 7 is more expensive than my neighbours pay, so I was expecting for what I pay more than just squirting water and going!
I start using the people my neighbours use from now on.

Re: cancelled by email
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2009, 06:39:08 pm »
Your neighbours window-cleaner suffers from Premature ejaculation if its the 'squirt' youre interested in!

Saying that YWCS is right  ;)


  • Posts: 2561
Re: cancelled by email
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2009, 06:44:22 pm »
Just thank him for his custom, forget about it and move on. Not worth worrying about. You never know when he may get cheesed off with the traditional window cleaner and request to come back to wfp method.


  • Posts: 4694
Re: cancelled by email
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2009, 06:45:52 pm »
This is the problem I highlighted the other day, customers don't feel they are getting value for money if you whip round the house with a splash and dash. Even if they are out you can guarantee a nosy neighbour will be timing you ready to grass you up. I would just let her go and move on. ...... slowly  ;D

Was Lucy juicy? That might explain your problem.


Re: cancelled by email
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2009, 06:48:13 pm »
i doubt its your service that is the prob, she has done the wimpiest method of dumping, by email or txt!

I bet she either doesn't like wfp and has got a trad cleaner who is cheaper with cheaper being the word, and is too chicken to say.

Get a better customer dont waste time on her trying to put her in her place...


Re: cancelled by email
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2009, 06:48:33 pm »
i had a custy cancel the other day for leaving the windows wet, as i am wfp now,  said ok bye and walked off, got better things to do with my time

there loss

simon knight

Re: cancelled by email
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2009, 06:53:12 pm »

She doesn't like the method and doesn't feel she's getting value for her measly £7 ::)

She has not been rude in her email. Let her move on. And you move on.


Re: cancelled by email
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2009, 06:54:15 pm »
Reply thanking them for their custom and wish them all the best in the future.

7 quid...parh..onwards and upwards.



Re: cancelled by email
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2009, 07:02:56 pm »
OK, so we all got off topic, its not really what he asked for - here send this!!   ;) ;D 8)


Thank you for your recent email, I'm sorry to learn of your desire to cancel the service.

The water fed pole method of cleaning is proven to last up to 4 times as long as traditional ladder methods, so a regualr clean is done quickly and efficiently, which can be seen to the untrained eye to be "splashing water about".

I understand from your email that the real reason for your decision to change is not the quality of service or the cleanliness of your windows and frames, not the regular and reliable service all year round, or the 100% guarantee of satisfaction and free re cleans if you are not happy with the initial clean but a case of someone else being cheaper.

I understand you may have financial difficulties and accept your decision.

Thank you for your valued custom over the last <insert number> months.


simon knight

Re: cancelled by email
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2009, 07:06:07 pm »
OK, so we all got off topic, its not really what he asked for - here send this!!   ;) ;D 8)


Thank you for your recent email, I'm sorry to learn of your desire to cancel the service.

The water fed pole method of cleaning is proven to last up to 4 times as long as traditional ladder methods, so a regualr clean is done quickly and efficiently, which can be seen to the untrained eye to be "splashing water about".

I understand from your email that the real reason for your decision to change is not the quality of service or the cleanliness of your windows and frames, not the regular and reliable service all year round, or the 100% guarantee of satisfaction and free re cleans if you are not happy with the initial clean but a case of someone else being cheaper.

I understand you may have financial difficulties and accept your decision.

Thank you for your valued custom over the last <insert number> months.


He CAN'T send that!   Bloody funny though ;D


Re: cancelled by email
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2009, 07:19:21 pm »
Send it, send it ;D ;D ;D ;D dare yer, infact I double dare yer....

Re: cancelled by email
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2009, 07:44:46 pm »
you fecking witch i needed that £7 for some charlie dont take it out on me cos your going through the change, i only went wfp so bitches like you dont give me the come on when im cleaning your bedroom window,and that cleaner who,s cheaper than me,s on the dole and claiming disability living allowance you,ll see him on crime watch if you pull your nose away from the window every now and than.


Re: cancelled by email
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2009, 07:53:02 pm »
OK, so we all got off topic, its not really what he asked for - here send this!!   ;) ;D 8)


Thank you for your recent email, I'm sorry to learn of your desire to cancel the service.

The water fed pole method of cleaning is proven to last up to 4 times as long as traditional ladder methods, so a regualr clean is done quickly and efficiently, which can be seen to the untrained eye to be "splashing water about".

I understand from your email that the real reason for your decision to change is not the quality of service or the cleanliness of your windows and frames, not the regular and reliable service all year round, or the 100% guarantee of satisfaction and free re cleans if you are not happy with the initial clean but a case of someone else being cheaper.

I understand you may have financial difficulties and accept your decision.

Thank you for your valued custom over the last <insert number> months.


classic i love it mite keep a copy off that for myself  ;D ;D


  • Posts: 25119
Re: cancelled by email
« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2009, 07:53:52 pm »
OK, so we all got off topic, its not really what he asked for - here send this!!   ;) ;D 8)


Thank you for your recent email, I'm sorry to learn of your desire to cancel the service.

The water fed pole method of cleaning is proven to last up to 4 times as long as traditional ladder methods, so a regualr clean is done quickly and efficiently, which can be seen to the untrained eye to be "splashing water about".

I understand from your email that the real reason for your decision to change is not the quality of service or the cleanliness of your windows and frames, not the regular and reliable service all year round, or the 100% guarantee of satisfaction and free re cleans if you are not happy with the initial clean but a case of someone else being cheaper.

I understand you may have financial difficulties and accept your decision.

Thank you for your valued custom over the last <insert number> months.


Very good! How about this:-

Dear Mrs Custy,

I was surprised to receive your instructions to cancel your window cleaning and I was shocked to be twice accused of "simply squirting water" at your windows. You know this is not true as you have your frames scrubbed and your cills wiped thoroughly every time I call.

Your windows dry to a perfect shine and yet you have the temerity to complain at the price of seven pounds! Well, shame on you! Shame on you for demeaning my concientious high quality service just to justify your feeling piqued in that I can do a job quickly and well. You obviously hate the fact that I am a successful professional businessman and that you are a stinking putrid pile of pus no-hoper loser thing.

You go to your neighbours cleaner; go on! And if he should fall off his ladder on your property and you are sued then I will support him in his claim against you; you have been informed that his method of cleaning is not the safest according to modern safety standards!

When you have your chimney swept do you tell the man with brushes to go elsewhere so you can have a child sent up the chimney? Well do you punk? (starting to foam at the mouth now ;D)

Halloween is approaching and if the Devil and all his hordes should egg your windows and bake them on with the fires of hell then don't you come running to me for a quality clean! You just stick with your luddite neighbours cleaner and pay your florin or half-crown or whatever makes you feel better you worthless, puerile, scum of humanity you! (gibber, baaaaaaah! gibber ...)

Oh .... and your hubby was obviously blind when he married you.

Yours sincerely,

Rant and Rave windykleen
P.S. To improve customer service would you please take the time to fill in the enclosed form outlining how you feel about our service. If you love our service then tell your friends... If you don't then tell us!

It's a game of three halves!


Re: cancelled by email
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2009, 07:58:46 pm »
oh Gold Gold I just nearly p**+ed myself.  ;D ;D

Re: cancelled by email
« Reply #15 on: September 30, 2009, 08:02:38 pm »
Im beginning to think this witness stuff might have something  ;D


Re: cancelled by email
« Reply #16 on: September 30, 2009, 08:04:05 pm »
keep them coming boy its getting better ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


  • Posts: 331
Re: cancelled by email
« Reply #17 on: September 30, 2009, 08:11:02 pm »
OK, so we all got off topic, its not really what he asked for - here send this!!   ;) ;D 8)


Thank you for your recent email, I'm sorry to learn of your desire to cancel the service.

The water fed pole method of cleaning is proven to last up to 4 times as long as traditional ladder methods, so a regualr clean is done quickly and efficiently, which can be seen to the untrained eye to be "splashing water about".

I understand from your email that the real reason for your decision to change is not the quality of service or the cleanliness of your windows and frames, not the regular and reliable service all year round, or the 100% guarantee of satisfaction and free re cleans if you are not happy with the initial clean but a case of someone else being cheaper.

I understand you may have financial difficulties and accept your decision.

Thank you for your valued custom over the last <insert number> months.


I'd send this, I couldn't just leave an e-mail like that and walk away.
I'd add a bit more about why you where "splashing water about" just to educate her and partly to make her feel silly for being so wrong about what you where doing. 

Re: cancelled by email
« Reply #18 on: September 30, 2009, 08:24:41 pm »
How about

In reply to your recent email,
 I would just like to let you know that the method of cleaning I employ is not only the safest, minimizing your liability should a fall occur on your property, but the specially purified water used to clean your window is applied using a designed for purpose brush and hose system to ensure the clean finish that you will have have become used to over the last X months.
I am sorry that you are now dissatisfied with the service and price that we agreed, and that I have maintained over this period of time.


a better person than you
 ;) ;) ;)


  • Posts: 463
Re: cancelled by email
« Reply #19 on: September 30, 2009, 09:00:40 pm »
wouldn't bother responding chap.

Plenty of windows out there to be cleaned - her loss.

Chances her she'll be off again when a cheaper quote comes in.....