hi pingu.
sjd09 advice about hefty price rise is good.
unfortunately i wouldn't have guts to do.
What about a comprimise do every other time so if monthly do bi-monthly,
bump up price about 30%
I reckon you'd defeninately keep work and would be there less so hopefully wouldn't get you down.
Just tell custy's; your changing all custy's over to bi-monthly(LIE )
thanks lee.
thats a good compromise i suppose, the benefit with these older custys is that some of them might be awkward or out of your way but if they are good custys, good payers, loyal etc, i would try keep them you dont know when the crunch might hit hard again and you regret losing them
Even if your round goes a day or two over you are still earning the same, and you could make them better jobs by doing as lee says, 2 monthly, big price increase, if you lose em, job done , or keep them and be happy