Dear Prime minister Tarquin ( or other tory type name )
Please accept my congratulations on winning the election, just a point about that, it was not that people wanted you in ( because they dont, they remember when the
evil witch maggie was in power ) it was just they for some reason or other ( some blame labour for the world recession :
aye, how can they be to blame, i dont know either ), they had enough of labour
i would be happy to go on a NVQ course in window cleaning, forget all the other qualifications i have, they do not matter. The only thing i insist on is :
1. Nice coffee ( non of that horrid cheap stuff )
2. Chocolate hob-nobs ( now at a push i will accept normal hob-nobs )
3. padded chairs ( i dont want plastic hard chairs that riff-raff sit on )
i look forward to my course and watching how you ruin the country again, i guess as a small business owner and a home owner, i will be looked after by your government as you have allways done. Please continue to shaft and destroy the working class, just as you did so well when the evil witch was last in power, you know, make it hard for this country to produce anything, if the working man does not agree, just starve them like you did those miners who only wanted to earn a living and sustain family and community ways
toodles for now
can we have a state holiday when the evil witch dies
i will need a day off to recover from my hangover after the party