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  • Posts: 9
Partnership split how do we divide the round?
« on: September 21, 2009, 08:11:08 am »
Hi All
i am invoved or was in a partnership but only for the last 6 months and we have come to an end but i was woundering what would be the fairest and best wasy of spliting the round up? we cover a few differnt areas and some customers are every 2wks,4wks,8wks and 12wks ?? there is about 160 customers and i would say 20 are not worth carring on with but if there are any ides ???? would be helpfull



Re: Partnership split how do we divide the round?
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2009, 08:24:26 am »
work out the projected income over 6 months and devide them into 2 practical compact rounds take the bad ones out and split them by half again keeping them in rounds if there is a imbalance the gaining party shoud pay the other a worth of 3 times the value of the ones he get more, hope this helps. it sound involved but take it one step at a time.

Roy Harding

  • Posts: 1970
Re: Partnership split how do we divide the round?
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2009, 04:44:16 pm »
When I split from my business partner 20yrs ago we did this.

We put all the cream work on a piece of paper, and then divided them on to two sheets of paper round 1 & round 2. These were divided so they balanced out money wise and time to complete.

We then did similar to the 12 wkly jobs. Then split the 8wkly and 4wkly jobs by days of work and balanced the monies within a few pounds. We also made sure that the jobs neither off us liked to do also were split fairly.

Then we stood back and said is there any round you prefer, and neither of us could pick one as they had both good and some awkward. If for instance we both wanted round 1, it would not have been a fair split.

In the end as we could not choose we put 2 bits of paper into a hat one marked round one and the other round 2, and we settled it like that.

Roy ;D

Re: Partnership split how do we divide the round?
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2009, 04:58:14 pm »
When I split from my business partner 20yrs ago we did this.

We put all the cream work on a piece of paper, and then divided them on to two sheets of paper round 1 & round 2. These were divided so they balanced out money wise and time to complete.

We then did similar to the 12 wkly jobs. Then split the 8wkly and 4wkly jobs by days of work and balanced the monies within a few pounds. We also made sure that the jobs neither off us liked to do also were split fairly.

Then we stood back and said is there any round you prefer, and neither of us could pick one as they had both good and some awkward. If for instance we both wanted round 1, it would not have been a fair split.

In the end as we could not choose we put 2 bits of paper into a hat one marked round one and the other round 2, and we settled it like that.

Roy ;D

And then the fight started   ;D