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  • Posts: 31
what trad pole to use with wagtail
« on: September 20, 2009, 03:59:04 pm »
Hi just starting out and have yet to buy a pole what pole is best for your usuall houses with windows over bays etc,bearing in mind i am also looking at using it with the wagtail in the coming weeks.
do all poles fit wagtails ??
is there a good size polo that will do it all ??
thanks for any help guys


Re: what trad pole to use with wagtail
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2009, 04:25:18 pm »
hi, all poles do fit wagtails .  best to get a 6 metre so you can breeze over conservatries.      i got by for a long time with a pulex pole but now im using a  fishing pole(with wagtail flipper) and couldnt do without it .   good luck matey  ;D