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Any on here deal with Pedus?
« on: September 20, 2009, 10:50:01 am »
I have been asked to quote a few jobs by these people, and it looks promising.

Has anyone ever dealt with these people do they pay on time etc?

Dean Taberner

  • Posts: 4164
Re: Any on here deal with Pedus?
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2009, 10:54:57 am »
Cleaned the boots thru them a while back and got stung for £7k,

Whats the name of the person you are dealing with?
Operations manager at J.V Price Ltd

Re: Any on here deal with Pedus?
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2009, 11:17:40 am »
Oh, that's upsetting to hear.
Jodie S. is the persons name, and Jacky G. these are people without surnames!

Dean Taberner

  • Posts: 4164
Re: Any on here deal with Pedus?
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2009, 11:23:30 am »
jackie rings a bell,

they subbed them to a company who i subbed off which is very dodgy i know,

so it wasnt directly them who ripped me off.

Is it cleaning high st stores?
Operations manager at J.V Price Ltd

Re: Any on here deal with Pedus?
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2009, 11:25:27 am »
Oh well that's a bit more reassuring.
Yes it is for a national chain of stores.

Let's just say for now, more than 10 of them...
What would your advice be?

Dean Taberner

  • Posts: 4164
Re: Any on here deal with Pedus?
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2009, 11:30:57 am »
Is it homebase, boots or abbey?

Just mention any worries you have mate,

Id most prob give them a go direct for a month,

The problem is the stores I did were weekly so it doesnt take long to build up a fair amount being owed out.
Operations manager at J.V Price Ltd

Sean Dyer

  • Posts: 2947
Re: Any on here deal with Pedus?
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2009, 11:31:53 am »
obviously in your situation the middle man kept the cash ??

Dean Taberner

  • Posts: 4164
Re: Any on here deal with Pedus?
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2009, 11:34:47 am »
The middle woman yes mate,

Bad times
Operations manager at J.V Price Ltd

Re: Any on here deal with Pedus?
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2009, 11:41:29 am »
It's direct to them so I guess that helps.
I will keep a close eye on it, because it's not just me it affects obviously

I've never let anyone down for payment and I don't want to start now.
It's not Homebase, Abbey or Boots. I'd rather not say who for now.

it's true that the debt would build up quite quickly...but I think it's in their interest to keep up to date with payments or I would have to pull people off the work, which would make them look bad.

Re: Any on here deal with Pedus?
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2009, 11:44:11 am »
By the way, thanks Dean


Re: Any on here deal with Pedus?
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2009, 11:45:19 am »
So what happened to her?

Id probably end up doing something I'd regret over 7K

Im working on my plans for getting my £372 back from Vauxhalls dealership in Basingstoke over their bodged work they did on my van plus lost income whilst they buggered my van; all depends on what the branch manager says when he calls me tomorrow.

Already spoken to Watchdog about it, they seemed interested when I told them Id be leafletting the local Vauxhall garages customers telling them of my experiences with Vauxhall and leafletting the local supermarkets and multi-storey car-park.

Ive already done a test run on google for vauxhalls local dealership and placed a page on gogle adwords describing vauxhalls abysmal response to my complaints. They wont be happy when the managing director of vauxhalls and the dealership get a letter with the web address on their doormat which will quite simply explian the response to a customers issues with them.

Cant you chase this woman mate? I HATE being done over, cannot abide it!! Bitter bitter pill to swallow.

Dean Taberner

  • Posts: 4164
Re: Any on here deal with Pedus?
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2009, 11:50:46 am »
So what happened to her?

Id probably end up doing something I'd regret over 7K

Im working on my plans for getting my £372 back from Vauxhalls dealership in Basingstoke over their bodged work they did on my van plus lost income whilst they buggered my van; all depends on what the branch manager says when he calls me tomorrow.

Already spoken to Watchdog about it, they seemed interested when I told them Id be leafletting the local Vauxhall garages customers telling them of my experiences with Vauxhall and leafletting the local supermarkets and multi-storey car-park.

Ive already done a test run on google for vauxhalls local dealership and placed a page on gogle adwords describing vauxhalls abysmal response to my complaints. They wont be happy when the managing director of vauxhalls and the dealership get a letter with the web address on their doormat which will quite simply explian the response to a customers issues with them.

Cant you chase this woman mate? I HATE being done over, cannot abide it!! Bitter bitter pill to swallow.

I arrested her in her home mate,

She closed down her business but has started up again with someone fronting her business so we are in the process of civil proceedings,

It didnt go very far on the criminal side as apparantly she said she didnt know the state of her businesses finances, she did spend a night in the cells though.

Operations manager at J.V Price Ltd

Re: Any on here deal with Pedus?
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2009, 11:55:43 am »
Good luck, if you get anything back Im sure the feeling of elation will be fantastic.

You should do.

Dean Taberner

  • Posts: 4164
Re: Any on here deal with Pedus?
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2009, 11:58:42 am »
Thanks mate,

Im not holding my breath though,

I did take a petrol powerwasher, a carpet cleaner and 2 floor scrubbers out of her lock up on the way home aswell ;) ;)

Operations manager at J.V Price Ltd

Sean Dyer

  • Posts: 2947
Re: Any on here deal with Pedus?
« Reply #14 on: September 20, 2009, 01:08:28 pm »
nice lol

Chris Cottrell

  • Posts: 3162
Re: Any on here deal with Pedus?
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2009, 03:35:15 pm »
Thanks mate,

Im not holding my breath though,

I did take a petrol powerwasher, a carpet cleaner and 2 floor scrubbers out of her lock up on the way home aswell ;) ;)


She may have ripped you off but isnt the taking of her property classed as theft

Dean Taberner

  • Posts: 4164
Re: Any on here deal with Pedus?
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2009, 04:41:12 pm »
not if theres no complaint made no.

to get a crime like this u need 3 things,

a location

an offender

and a victim

if either of these are missing then theres no offence,

for her to be a victim shed need to make a complaint and she didnt.

her partner also let me in the lock up,

Operations manager at J.V Price Ltd


  • Posts: 1500
Re: Any on here deal with Pedus?
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2009, 05:20:22 pm »
I do a bit for them. Its Argos they have now and just a word of warning they have got them thru interserve and were looking to get a nartional to do them all and the guide price for the stores is inside and outside once a week for no more than £7.00 a clean. Not great I think


  • Posts: 25123
Re: Any on here deal with Pedus?
« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2009, 05:22:03 pm »
Can a copper be involved in an arrest where he is the complainant?  Without repercussions?
It's a game of three halves!

Dean Taberner

  • Posts: 4164
Re: Any on here deal with Pedus?
« Reply #19 on: September 20, 2009, 05:24:05 pm »

yes they went thru maclellan when i cleaned,

maclellan are now interserve and have their own wc team.

Operations manager at J.V Price Ltd