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So what happened to her?Id probably end up doing something I'd regret over 7KIm working on my plans for getting my £372 back from Vauxhalls dealership in Basingstoke over their bodged work they did on my van plus lost income whilst they buggered my van; all depends on what the branch manager says when he calls me tomorrow.Already spoken to Watchdog about it, they seemed interested when I told them Id be leafletting the local Vauxhall garages customers telling them of my experiences with Vauxhall and leafletting the local supermarkets and multi-storey car-park.Ive already done a test run on google for vauxhalls local dealership and placed a page on gogle adwords describing vauxhalls abysmal response to my complaints. They wont be happy when the managing director of vauxhalls and the dealership get a letter with the web address on their doormat which will quite simply explian the response to a customers issues with them.Cant you chase this woman mate? I HATE being done over, cannot abide it!! Bitter bitter pill to swallow.
Thanks mate,Im not holding my breath though,I did take a petrol powerwasher, a carpet cleaner and 2 floor scrubbers out of her lock up on the way home aswell Dean